Arty Awesomeness Cautionary Tales Video Clips Weirdness

Reaping for Dummies

The only things certain in life are death and taxes, or so the saying goes. However, in this animated short film, death isn’t such a sure thing as a trainee reaper rolls in to a ghost town to claim the soul of the last inhabitant. Check out what happens in Reaping for Dummies below.

Reaping for Dummies was created by a group of five students as a graduation project for the 3D design and animation course at the Idèfagskolen school in Tønsberg, Norway.

[via Neatorama]

Entertainment Music Video Clips

Hipsters and Hashtags

If there’s a nonconformist hipster living inside you, they don’t want to watch this video. It’s already received 300+ views, so you totally need to boycott this mainstream malarkey.

However, if your hipster level is camo pants and middle partings, you may like the latest music video from comedy duo of Nic Smal and Gareth Allison. The hashtag besties wax lyrical about hipsterdom in Cape Town from the nesting doll approach to storing pencils to using hamster milk in flat whites. Hipsters tend to watch viral videos on Vimeo, so check out Hipsters and Hashtags on YouTube.

[via @walker_texas]

Awesomeness Cartoons & Comics Weirdness


More from the crazy brilliant Toothpaste For Dinner man Drew. Check out Superpoop for your daily dose of sarcasm, satire and irony.
