Game Reviews

We Review: The Banner Saga (Console Edition)

The Banner Saga (official site) was originally released for PC on Steam at the beginning of 2014, and the game was so incredibly well received that the developer, Stoic, has released a console version of this tactical role-playing game based in Nordic mythology. I’m going to approach this review with the assumption that you’ve not played the PC version, so let’s get all Nordic up in here and find out what the game is all about.

App Reviews

App Review: Ratepop

Some of the less observant amongst you may be asking why we’re reviewing an app that rates people’s properties. I’m sure there’s an app for that, but this one ain’t it (sorry). This one is called Ratepop. So, it’s about rating your dad, then? No, not that either. Rate how well you burst balloons? Well…close. Actually, no. Not close at all. Let me explain–it’ll be quicker than guessing.

Arty Awesomeness Featured


Tom and Jerry. Alien versus Predator. Android versus iOS. It’s these rivalries that are at the heart of the cute illustrations by Dan Matutina, an illustrator based in the Philippines. Matutina depicts the love/hate bond between characters from popular culture in the shape of a heart, with each rival making up a symbiotic half of the heart/relationship.

Have a look at some of Matutina’s Versus/Hearts after the jump.

Featured Game Reviews

We Review: Quarrel

Thanks to the ambiguous nature of the English language, a quarrel could be an angry dispute or a bolt fired out of a crossbow. It also happens to be the name of a rather interesting word-based strategy game that was initially released only for iOS devices in 2011. While there can be no Quarrel amongst Android and PlayStation 3 owners, (for they haven’t received the game on their platform) Scottish developers Denki sought fit to bring the fight to the Xbox Live Arcade.

Having played a variety of wordy games on Android—Wordsmith, Wordfeud, Word Search, Word2yourmother*—I eagerly jumped at the chance of playing Risk-meets-Scrabble in Quarrel. The war of words continues after the jump.