Arty Eating and Drinking

Pin-ups and Junk Food

After a day of reconciliation binge drinking, both Lucy Furr and I are feeling a tad fragile. I don’t quite know what hangover cure would do best, but I’m thinking it has to be junk food, with a side order of pin-up girls.

Toronto-based illustrator Wendy Ding has created a series entitled “Food Girls” that placed sexy naked women in unexpected scenes, for example in between a hot dog roll, smothered in tomato sauce. I know what you’re thinking and yes, I too would love a hot dog roll right about now. The Food Girls series can be seen after the jump – there are exposed boobies so view with caution.

Arty Cautionary Tales Weirdness

The Twisted, Violent Worlds of Charlie Immer

This is beautifully gross. Flights through other worlds can often be whimsical, but Charlie Immer is tired of that stereotype. The worlds created by this artist and illustrator from New York are harrowingly dangerous, where the creatures in the scenes are about to meet their end in a most brutal and gory way. Danger lurks around every corner, a cautionary tale indeed.

Have a look at some of his art after the jump.

Arty Awesomeness

Adventures With “A”

So I have the (dis)pleasure of attending a Microsoft Word training course. Whilst my colleague and general misanthrope, Feeyyaad, was busy creating the world’s ugliest table, I pondered about strippers, calamari, and typography. The latter led me to the most awesome works of Cape Town illustrator, Brandt Botes.

From amputees to assholes, his “Adventures with A” series show the typographic adventures of the first letter. Check them out after the jump.

Awesomeness Cartoons & Comics

The Western Nostril

I honestly have no idea how I came about this, but a Google blog search led me to Moral Fibre so they’ll get the hat tip for this one.

The Western Nostril is a home-grown comic strip produced by brothers Alex Latimer and Patrick Latimer. I would tell you more about it but rumour is that a great selection of free fried food is available in our staff canteen, and if you know me, you’ll know that food comes before anything. So I’ll just say The Western Nostril is clever and quirky in both its humour and visual style, and that you should have a look at some of comics after the jump.

Arty Awesomeness

Hot Chicks on Wolves

It’s Friday and thanks to the headache pills I took earlier, I’m actually in a good mood. It’s sunny in Cape Town, Assassin’s Creed II launches today, and we’re having a vegan for dinner. What could make this day better – the bear cavalry perhaps? No, much better in fact – hot chicks in bikinis, bearing arms, and riding wolves.

“Hot Chicks on Wolves” is a creation of Aled Lewis, a graphic designer from London, England. See the full image and more of his work after the jump.

Arty Featured Inspirational Designs Weirdness

The Anatomical Art Of Fernando Vincente

Like Valerio Carrubba, Spanish artist Fernando Vincente also creates macabre illustrations, albeit from a more mechanical perspective.

In his Vanitas series, Vincente combines anatomy and portraiture to capture the classic beauty of his subjects. Have a look at some images below – click to embiggen.

In the Anatomías collection, he dissects the inner-workings of a human being to reveal the machinery hidden underneath. See these images after the jump.


Mike Giant

I did not know this. And now I am enlightened. Born near sighted and colour blind, Mike Giant is now a celebrated tattooist, illustrator, and graffiti artist. A master of the black and white image, Giant draws inspiration (I almost wrote constipation, my bad.) from “cholo” life, Mexican folk art, and Japanese illustration. See some of his art below [NSFW].

Behold the sharpie power of Mike Giant after the jump.

Arty Inspirational Designs

The Impressive Artwork of Nik Ainley

Shake what ya momma gave ya. In the case of Nik Ainley, it would be mad photoshop skillz. Hailed a one of the “Top 10 up-and-coming creative talents of 2006” by Computer Arts magazine, this UK based illustrator has been creating stunning art work for magazines, books, and clothing. Here’s a small gallery of this illustrations. The images may take a while to load.

See more at Nik’s online portfolio, Shinybinary, or hit up his work at deviantART.

[via The Inspiration Design]

Arty Awesomeness

Purdy Wallpapers to Brighten Your Desktop #3

I guess this needs no introduction which is pretty swell as I cannot brain today, I have the dumb. Click on the images to take you to the download locations.

See more wallpapers after the jump.

Awesomeness Movies

I am Your Illustrator: Awesome Darth Vader Images

As iconic villains go, Darth Vader is surely one of the greatest. Falling to the dark side of the Force, the Sith Lord not only possessed a face for radio, but also became the scourge of the Jedi.

Given his supremely awesome powers (the Force Choke being my personal favourite), it’s no surprise to find Vader immortalized in some way or another. And here are some illustrations of the dude getting down with his bad self.

See more at Abduzeedo.