Arty Awesomeness Featured TV

The LOST Dharma Stations

The LOST finale was aired last night, and I’ve been too frightened to go anywhere on the Internet for fear of spoilers. Ironically I stumbled upon FUCK YEAH LOST! a Tumblr site dedicated to the series. It was a Ronal-DOH! moment in soccer terms but I quickly skipped to page two, and then to page three where I found another awesome bit of LOST-inspired artwork.

Neil Richards, a web designer by day (and everything else the rest of the time) has created a fantastic set of posters representing each research laboratory built by the DHARMA Initiative during their time on the Island. Have a look at his LOST Dharma Stations set after the jump.

Arty Awesomeness Featured Weirdness

The Witty Art Of Marc Johns

I just stumbled onto the drawings of Marc Johns, and had some great laughs. Perhaps it’s the mood I’m in but seeing a pair of green underpants with antlers attached to them just made me smile no end.

Johns thinks of some pretty absurd things and uses watercolours to create drawings that are simple and sparse, yet so very witty. We totally love his sense of humour, have a look at some of his illustrations after the jump.

Arty Awesomeness Featured

Adorable “Great Showdowns” by Scott Campbell

Whether it be Julius Malema versus common sense or the South African cricket team fighting a losing battle or even the ageless pirates versus ninjas argument (incidentally see here for a collection of ninjas), there have always been epic rivalries. “The struggle is forever. It makes the world turn around.” says awesome illustrator Scott Campbell, whose Tumblr blog is a chronicle of the great confrontations in film history. Have a look at some of his adorable “great showdowns” after the jump.

Arty Awesomeness Movies

Far Out! Iron Man 2 Fan-Made Posters

The standard Iron Man 2 posters were OK (here’s one, two), but I’d hardly get an iron boner when I think about them. Was that crude? I apologize.

A couple of fan-made posters that have recently come to light are far more turbo-charged than the official ones. Have a look at them after the jump.

Arty Awesomeness Entertainment Featured Movies

Awesome Star Wars-Inspired Loteria Cards

We’re carrying on the Happy Star Wars happiness. It’ll stop soon I promise, for tomorrow shall belong to the dark side of the Force. Darth Vader tweeted this earlier today:

@darthvader: In addition, I declare tomorrow to be “Dark Lord of the 5th Day”. Send money. And rebels.

In any case, we thought you might like this. Ever since he was little, artist Chepo Peña has been a fan of Star Wars. He grew up playing Lotería which is a Mexican game of chance using a special deck of 54 cards, each possessing a special image and number.

Peña has mashed two of his favourite things together to create a new set of Lotería cards that where he replaced the traditional elements with characters from the Star Wars saga. For example in the La Luna card the moon is now the Death Star, or with card #9, El Barril, the barrel is now depicted by Artoo (poor little guy). Have a look at some of Peña’s Lotería cards after the jump.

Cartoons & Comics

Monday Morning Quiz: Villainy vs. Heroics

Here’s a Monday morning quickie for you. The Glaswegian graphic designer who brought you superheroes re-imagined as Mr. Men has mashed together seven comic book heroes into one epic mask. The seven corresponding villains have a mask of their own.

Can you name all the characters in the two masks? Hit the jump to see them.

Arty Video Clips

Nike Chase: Purple Hi-Tops vs. Rampaging Robots

This slick animated short was made by London Studio I Love Dust was for Nike Japan’s “Sister One” launch in the Southeast Asian market. Inspired by popular elements in anime (neon lights, upskirts, Godzilla-sized monsters, etc.), the video tells the story of a dancing-girl-turned-superhero trying to save a metropolis from rampaging robots.

What you see below is the director’s cut of Nike Chase. Enjoy.

For more from Nike Sportswear, visit them on and follow them on Twitter.

Arty Awesomeness Featured

Witty Illustrations From Chow Hon Lam

From pyromaniac matches talking about their exploits to a Street Fighter style face-off between two fast food giants, the funny and often witty illustrations from Malaysian designer Chow Hon Lam make us laugh. And if it makes us laugh, it’s worth blogging about, no?

Designing under the moniker Flying Mouse, Lam’s FM365 project has him creating one design per day for a year. Check out some of Lam’s FM365 creations after the jump.



Hello! this is my past self saying hello to you on this glorious Friday morning. I’m in Yzerfontein and in all likelihood boiling my butt off but thanks to the awesomeness of WordPress’ scheduled posting thingamajig, I am able to bring you another mindless post. It’s OK, there’s no need to thank me. Today we take an in-depth look at the works from French graphic design studio Hellofreaks, and by in-depth, I mean nothing but images ;-)

Have a look at some of the funky illustrations after the jump.

Arty Awesomeness Featured Inspirational Designs Mobile

Amazing Movie Posters by Tyler Stout

They don’t make them like they used to. Until now – well, since 2006, but knowing my penchant for catching things late, I only became aware of this most awesome artist today.

The fantastic works of Tyler Stout, an illustrator from Washington D.C., take you back to a time when film posters were considered valuable collectibles, worth framing and putting up on your wall. See some of his rad posters after the jump.