Arty Awesomeness Featured Music TV


On each Friday of 2010, illustrator Adam Sidwell creates a portrait of a baddie be they from TV, film, or video games. It’s part of his Bad Dudes project and by our reckoning he should have amassed an army of the pop culture’s evilest maafakas by the end of the year.

Have a look at some of Sidwell’s original portraits after the jump.


Complexity Graphics

In her “COMPLEXITY GRAPHICS” series, Russian designer Tatiana Plakhova uses Adobe Illustrator to draw up some amazing geometric forms. The combination of these repeating patterns and shapes seem to create something that looks altogether organic, from the depths of a very strange ocean.

Have a look at her creations after the jump.

Awesomeness Gaming News Music Video Clips

Tetris Against The Odds

In his “Let the Game Continue” design, threadless user Eduardo San Gil shows how Tetris blocks are created. It might look a little gruesome but at least it involves recycling. Another theory has just been revealed, this time from Russia. It is entitled “Тетрис против контры” or “Tetris against the odds” according to Google Translate. Check it out below and let us know what you think about the ending.

Epic sound effects right there! See more videos of this type on LAGGER131313‘s YouTube channel.

[via Miss Cellania]

Site Announcements

Twitter Avatars by Ape Lad

If you’re on Twitter, you’re no doubt seen the bird and acquainted yourself with the fail whale. And chances are you might appreciate the cute avatars from Adam Koford, a story artist who works for Disney Interactive.

Known as Ape Lad on Flickr, Koford has not only created avatars of characters from cartoons, comic books, TV, and film but limited the shape of the avatars to resemble that of the default Twitter bird.

Have a look at Ape Lab’s twittertastic avatars after the jump.


The Periodic Table of Swearing

Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev is probably rolling in his grave. There is a periodic table for all manner of things these days – beer, meat, dessert, typefaces, video game characters. You can now add swearing to the ever-growing list.

The people over at Modern Toss in jolly Blighty have created a Periodic Table of Swearing filled with colourful phrases which you may not have heard of. It’s not anywhere near as obnoxious as Roger’s Profanisaurus but if you’re in need of some education, check it out after the jump. It’s NSFW.

Arty Awesomeness Movies

Baroque Wars

Just the other day we showed you Greg Peltz’ splendid Victorian era portraits of popular Star Wars characters. If you liked that, then chances are you’d love the illustrations from Swedish artist, Mattias Adolfsson.

In 2007, Adolfsson put pen to paper and re-imagined the Star Wars universe using an artistic style that was common in Europe between the 16th and 18th centuries. Baroque is a style that calls for extravagant and highly decorated pieces with many little intricate shapes. From Han Solo coming under fire from the puritan squad to poor wig-less R2D2, Adolfsson’s portraits are very ornate and imaginative. Once again, Chewbacca comes in as our favourite for having enough hair not to need a wig. See him and the rest of the Star Wars gang after the jump.

Arty Cautionary Tales

Need Versus Want, Illustrated

Another age-old argument – need versus want. I want a newer/bigger/flashier TV even though the one I have works perfectly fine. I want to be taller and ruggedly handsome, but what I need to be is more comfortable in my own skin.

Like many of us, artist Erin Hanson, also feels conflicted about what she desires as opposed to what she really needs in life. Her minimal illustrations show the stand-offs going on in her mind. Have a look at her Need to Want Less series after the jump.

Site Announcements

Illustrated Movie Quotes

Designer Goran Patlejch from Prague, Czech Republic creates illustrations using quotes from memorable movies. From no one fucking with Jesus to big badda boom Patlejch’s designs are simple, fun, and altogether awesome. Have a look at them after the jump.

Arty Weirdness

Weirdly Cute Patterns by Mike Mitchell

We haven’t done a wallpaper-related post in a while. We don’t really have an excuse for it aside from the suffering a serious bout of procrastinitis. We’re better now and found some odd wallpaper patterns from Los Angeles artist Mike Mitchell.

From a bizarre skull and cross bones design made up of kitty bits to an anthropomorphic eyeball, Mitchell’s designs are cute, if a little weird. Check them out after the jump.


Movies R Fun: R-Rated Flicks Turned Kid-Friendly

We don’t have any children but when the time comes, I’ll dread having to explain the goings-on in adult-themed movies, such as The Crying Game – I’m sure you know the scene I’m referring to. If only there was a book to do it all for me. Oh wait, there is.

Josh Cooley, a story artist at Pixar Animation Studios, takes scenes from popular child-unfriendly movies like 2001: A Space Odyssey, Silence of the Lambs, Apocalypse Now, and The Terminator and draws them as if they were a page in a children’s book. Cooley’s Inappropriate Golden Books pays homage to the old-school Little Golden Books. Check out some of his drawings after the jump.