Predation is so very cute if you show it in the way that Alexis Solis does. His series of colourful illustrations for Predator vs. Prey shows doe-eyed hunters sinking their teeth into the flesh of their prey. It’s a bloody cute circle of life.

Predation is so very cute if you show it in the way that Alexis Solis does. His series of colourful illustrations for Predator vs. Prey shows doe-eyed hunters sinking their teeth into the flesh of their prey. It’s a bloody cute circle of life.
Raul Aguiar is a Brazilian illustrator who was commissioned to create a slice of Earth, complete with a slew of pop culture references, including a few video game ones. How many pop culture references can you find in this illustration, and how many of you know who Alex Kidd is? Comment and let us know!
Choosing a pet can be difficult. Size, temperament, and maintenance are are important factors to consider. Certain breeds are susceptible to certain diseases, and some disorders may be hereditary.
This handy guide created by artist John Conway shows you the benefits and drawbacks should you be looking for a dinosaur to match your lifestyle. Velociraptors, for example, have extremely beautiful plumage but the risk of disembowelment is quite high. The Lambeosaurus has a peaceful disposition and is a good fit for a family, but housing it will be a problem due to its size. Find out more in the Dinosaur Pet Guide after the jump.
You’ll love this. Your favourite Game of Thrones characters are getting an adorable makeover. Each day, this single-serving site will reduce the characters of George R. R. Martin’s epic series of fantasy novels down to their single personality types, in the style of Roger Hargreaves’ “Mr. Men” and “Little Miss”.
Gregor Clegane forms an imposing shape as Mr. Brutal while Joffrey goes red in the face as Mr. Rageous. Littlefinger clearly agrees that his first name should in fact be Pimp. See them and a few more after the jump.
Some say that a good day is any day that you’re alive, but rapper Ice Cube was a little more specific on the matter in 1993. In this hour-by-hour illustration, digital artist Fernando Reza visualises that glorious day in south central Los Angeles when Ice Cube had a pork-free breakfast, won at dominoes, got complimented on his sexual prowess. That day he didn’t even have to use his AK. Check out the illustration and listen along to the song after the jump.
In the same vein of cuteness as I Heart Guts, designer Rachel Ignotofsky illustrates the different biological systems that work together to keep the human organism alive.
Have a look at the charming and colourful anthropomorphic organs in Ignotofsky’s Body Systems after the jump.
“To dream anything that you want to dream, that is the beauty of the human mind.”
Illustrator Andy Fairhurst creates super-cute watercolour silhouettes of kids as they cosplay their favourite comic book heroes and villains. The likenesses are undeniably cute. Check out Fairhurst’s Superhero Kids after the jump.
Gainfully employed rats, philosophical robots, and harmonizing aliens. These are some of the inhabitants on the strange planets created by animator and illustrator, Andy Martin.
Martin started the project Handymartian’s Illustrated Aliens where he’d illustrate a new alien every day. After a month, Martin would create an animation of the planet on which his weird and wacky menagerie call home.
The first planet was created at the beginning of the year and five more colourful and kooky ones have sprung to life since then. Have a look at Martin’s animated Alien Planets after the jump.
If you like the humour in the artworks of Aled Lewis and Hon Lam, these illustrations from Nacho Díaz Arjona might get your Friday off to a punny start. We see a heart as it draws a familiar self-portrait, a penguin looks royal, and a piñata explores its kinky side. Have a look at those and a few more of Ajona’s art after the jump.
Brands are forever trying to insinuate themselves into our lives. GoPro cameras are attached to practically every limb of extreme sportspeople these days. Felix Baumgartner would not have reached the stratospheric heights that he did in Redbull Stratos without the financial backing of the Austrian energy drinks company. Internet search giant Google want you to wear their geeky glasses.
Italian graphic designer Roberto Vergati Santos wondered what it’d be like if our favourite superheroes were sponsored by popular brands. Some of his associations are skin-deep: Hulk’s green complexion is a good fit for Monster Energy drink and Wolverine’s Adamantium claws matches the brand with the three stripes. Iron Man is seen with the golden arches emblazoned on his chest, but with his problems with alcohol addiction, perhaps sponsorship from a single malt whisky brand might be a tad more appropriate.
Have a look at Santos’ Sponsored Heroes after the jump.