Arty Awesomeness Photoworthy

The Black Hole Project

Simply put, black holes suck. Thankfully, Fabian Oefner’s Black Hole project is attractive and far from sucky.

Inspired by the drippy paint style of Jackson Pollock, the Swiss photographer and artist decided to investigate the effect of centrifugal force on paint. He dripped coloured shades of acrylic paint onto a metal rod that was connected to a drill. When the drill was switched on, the paint whirled away from the rod, and Oefner’s camera flashed at 1/40000 of a second, capturing the images of the paint in motion. Have a look at some of his rather colour Black Hole images after the jump.

Arty Awesomeness Photoworthy

Ink Meets Oil in Alberto Seveso’s High Speed Photos

Italian illustrator Alberto Seveso is great at capturing reactions. For a Due Colori, Seveso dropped coloured inks into water. He is back with a new series, Dropping, that asks if ink mixes with oil. The answer is beautiful.

See the photos Seveso’s high-speed photographs after the jump.

Animal Kingdom Arty Awesomeness Entertainment Featured Video Clips

Cheetahs Finish First

We’ve seen Phantom cameras being put to good use before. Tom Guilmette was stuck in a hotel room with one, while Ty Migota had fun with cocktails, and Zach King broke up a tea party. And Gallagher, well, he’s just Gallagher.

This time, National Geographic in collaboration with the Cincinnati Zoo used the pricey Phantom gear to shoot one of nature’s fastest creatures. In full stride, the cheetah can reach speeds up to 120 km/h, and the team used the high-speed camera to capture the animal’s gait at 1,200 frames per second. Expectedly, the results are stunning. Have a look at Cheetahs on the Edge below.

[via io9]

Arty Mindlessness

Comical Water Wigs by Tim Tadder

L.A. Photographer Tim Tadder combines water balloons and bald people to produce a rather comical photo series. To create the effect of Water Wigs, Tadder would either drop balloons onto the domes of his subjects or use skinny balloons to form the shapes around the bald heads. He’d pop them and capture the resulting explosions.

Have a look at some of Tadder’s watery wigs after the jump.

Arty Awesomeness Photoworthy

Beautiful Liquid Sculptures

If you liked Linden Gledhill’s photos of dancing paint or Heinz Maier’s water droplet art, then you might just enjoy the liquid sculptures of Markus Reugels.

The photographer from Schweinfurt, Germany uses similar high-speed photography techniques to capture water and milk in motion, or at the very moment when the droplets make contact with various surfaces. The very precise, synchronized actions results in extremely beaultiful and colourful splashes. Have a look at some of Reugel’s liquid sculptures after the jump.

Arty Awesomeness Featured Photoworthy

High Speed Splash Photography by Heinz Maier

We’ve seen some fantastic examples of high speed photography, from beautiful water sculptures to coffee frozen in time, to explosive impacts.

In the spotlight today is German resident, Heinz Maier. The photographer who only started taking photos at the end of 2010 has developed a fondness for macro photography. Using food colouring, guargum and a selection of high speed photo equipment, Maier experiments with water droplets to produce some incredibly beautiful, colourful, and sometimes symmetrical splashes. Have a look at some of them after the jump.

Arty Awesomeness Featured Photoworthy

Breathtaking High-Speed Photography

You may have seen an earlier post on Alan Sailer, an American photographer who likes to shoot things. In his dark room, Sailer’s custom-built flash rig captures the split-second moment when a bullet makes contact with various everyday items. In his newer experiments, Sailer has taken to capturing the impact of everyday items on other everyday items and they’re equally as breathtaking. Have a look at the artier side of destruction after the jump.

Eating and Drinking

Coffee, Frozen in Time

If you liked Shinichi Maruyama’s beautiful water sculptures, you may enjoy a series of photos from Flickr user Egor N. Using high speed photography, Egor captures milk and sugar falling in and out of coffee cups. The series is entitled Coffee Time, let it whet your appetite after the jump.

Arty Awesomeness Featured Inspirational Designs Video Clips

Shinichi Maruyama’s Amazing Water Sculptures

Born in Nagano Japan but working in New York City, photographer Shinchi Maruyama makes art with materials of a transient nature. Using a combination of high-speed strobe light photography and water, Maruyama creates beautiful sculptures that are here one moment and gone the next. The following video shows this spontaneous process.

Maruyama is also famous for his “Kusho”, another series of liquids in motion. For this, he flung a type of calligraphy ink into the air and photographed the abtract forms created. This video is also lacking a soundtrack so feel free to imagine “Intro” by The XX is playing in the background.

And have a look at some of his images after the jump.

Awesomeness Photoworthy

High-Speed Bullet Photography

If you enjoyed the works of Flickr user alan_sailer, you may like shots from 52-year-old amateur Dutch photographer, Lex Augusteijn. He captures the moments frozen in time as real bullets fired from a coil gun come into contact with everyday objects like eggs, light bulbs, balloons, and droplets of water.

Have a look at some of his whizz-bang high-speed bullet shots after the jump.