Arty Awesomeness Featured


Tom and Jerry. Alien versus Predator. Android versus iOS. It’s these rivalries that are at the heart of the cute illustrations by Dan Matutina, an illustrator based in the Philippines. Matutina depicts the love/hate bond between characters from popular culture in the shape of a heart, with each rival making up a symbiotic half of the heart/relationship.

Have a look at some of Matutina’s Versus/Hearts after the jump.

Cartoons & Comics Cautionary Tales

10 Ways to Lose a Girl

I’ve never had to try very hard to get out of relationships. I was usually on the receiving end – “Thanks it was great, but my boyfriend will be back from his overseas trip” or “I knew I was drunk, but wow I must have been totally wasted. Now get out of my room!”. One time a girl broke up with me to hook up with her Spanish dance instructor – he would teach her how to dance and she would teach him how to speak English. It was short-lived though, as he gave her the clap. But I digress…

For the guys out there who want out of the tenuous relationships they are in, Dennis from shows 10 ways to lose a girlfriend (and 1 way to lose a guy).

Click to embiggen.

More after the jump.