Arty Entertainment Video Clips

Big Bangs in 2011

We spent the beginning day of 2011 down in Kommetjie and it was a pleasant, quiet experience. At the stroke of midnight, a few fireworks sparsely lit up the sky, we can only assume because Kommetjie residents were all in town considerate of the feelings of their firework-fearing pets.

If you didn’t get much of a fireworks display either, fear not, because other countries had ample stocks of the stuff and weren’t shy to show off. Hit the jump to see clips of the New Year’s revelry from Dubai, London, Sydney, and Taipei.

Site Announcements

Onelargeprawn Wishes You A Happy New Year!

2010 has whizzed on by hasn’t it? We couldn’t be happier about that. It’s been a year fraught with tragedy and stressful times. On the whole it’s been terrible, tiring, and sad. If you have been through some depressing times too, we empathize and it is our hope that the universe hears our pleas to make things in 2011 just a little easier to bear. If the past year has been a roaring success for you, then we hope that it carries on in 2011 and extends to all facets of your life.

Whatever your aspirations may be, it is our sincerest wish that you have a very very happy, prosperous, and safe 2011. Peace, love, and double rainbows to you all!