Awesomeness Featured Gaming News

BioShock Infinite Characters as Cats

BioShock Infinite was fabulous. After much discussion about complicated string theory and the game’s ending (spoilers, obviously), an important question went unanswered…until now: what would the characters look like if they were cats?

Reddit user darijakarta drew darling feline versions of the Lutece twins, Elizabeth, and our hero Booker DeWhiskers. See them after the jump.

Animal Kingdom Arty Awesomeness Featured

U is for Uakari

We’ve seen some lovely themed alphabets in the past, including an A to Z of Japan, video games, Star Wars, and oddness.

With her alphabet, illustrator Casey Girard takes inspiration from nature and draws a series of wild animals that not only represent the letters of the alphabet but also are in the shape of them. Her drawings are playful, have a maternal look about them. Check out Girard’s endearing Animals in Alphabet series after the jump.


Lovely Little Lies

We tell little lies all the time. Just one more level and I’ll come to bed. I wouldn’t eat KFC without you. I did not move your cheese.

In Daily Dishonesty, graphic designer Lauren Hom shows her love for typography by drawing out the lies that she tells herself on a regular basis. Have a looks at some of them after the jump.


You Won’t Believe It’s Bolígrafo

From first looks, it might seems that these images have been processed with the popular photo-bleaching app, Instagram. But would it surprise you to know that they are entirely hand-drawn?

Spanish artist Juan Francisco Casas uses the humble BIC clásico bolígrafo to create some risqué photorealistic portraits. Have a look at some of his ballpoint pen drawings after the jump.

Arty Awesomeness Featured Weirdness

Quirky Stereographic Drawings by Dain Fagerholm

The humble animated GIF is one of the older image formats. First introduced in 1987, there has been a resurgence in the use of animated GIFs in recent years, be it in memes or the more arty cinemagraphs.

Illustrator Dain Fagerholm creates some wonderfully quirky animations that he calls stereographic drawings. By constantly flitting between two images, the animations trick our eyes, giving us the impression that they are in 3D. Using this technique, Fagerholm brings his adorable hand-drawn monsters to life. Have a look at some of them after the jump.

Arty Inspirational Designs Video Clips

Thought of You

Ryan Woodward, the director and animator of this piece, has magically captured the essence of style versus emotion. He portrays his characters in a surreal sense which draws the viewer deeper into the film.

Thought of You was born out of Ryan’s desires to connect several of his passions into one art piece. Figurative works, 2D animation, EFX animation, and contemporary dance. The theme revolves around an intimate relationship and it portrays this exceptionally.

“Rather than creating a narrative animated piece that communicates a well defined story, this piece allows for each individual who views it to to experience something unique and personal that touches their own sensibilities.”

You can also check out the “making of” from Ryan’s site listed below.


Arty Awesomeness Featured Video Clips

A Brief History of Pretty Much Everything

As a final project for an art course, UK student Jamie Bell imaginatively created a flipbook video that humourously chronicles the history of our universe. Three weeks and 2100 pages later, Bell’s magnum opus, “A Brief History of Pretty Much Everything” was born.

It’s so much fun to watch, and I can imagine Jamie had just as a good a time making it. He got full marks for it. Check it out below, don’t blink though you might miss something.

[via Utter Insanity]