Superheroes are some of the most revered characters in fiction, and every now and again, someone tries to make another superhero video game. Mostly, they tend to suck. So it’s with mixed feelings we received Injustice: Gods Among Us. Is it superpowered? Or is the transferal to a digital medium its proverbial Kryptonite? Let’s find out.
Let me tell you a story. When I was a kid, I used to stay over at my cousin’s place during the holidays. He used to own one of the most amazing comic book collections I’d ever seen, and—to the ire of everyone around me who told me I was being thoroughly antisocial—I spent every holiday reading and re-reading every single one of those comics. He had them all: superlative quantities of Superman, great piles of Green Lantern, judicious amounts of Justice League, and of course, a buttload of Batman comics. I read them all, over and over again. I first got my love of the DC and Marvel universes from those days back then, and I never really lost it. As you, dear readers, know well, I also have a great love of Traveller’s Tales Lego series, so I was justifiably quite excited to get my hands on Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes.
When you have as much spare time as I do these days, you tend to spend a lot of it either watching television or roaming Youtube. Most of the time it’s for new teasers of upcoming movies and nonsensical crud that’s posted by the world. Just when I was about to log off and cry myself to sleep, I found a webisode that put a smile on my face. It’s from The Daly Show.
The Daly Show, not to be confused with Jon Stewart’s “The Daily Show” on Comedy Central, stars Tim Daly (Wings, Diner) and his son Sam Daly. It’s essentially a parody of the life of Tim and Sam and the adventures they have.
Tim is also well known for his voice work as Clark Kent/Superman for DC Comics’ animated films and previous TV shows. This particular webisode uses this fact as the basis for its story and stars, in my opinion, the most underused talent of Nathan Fillion (Firefly, Castle). Nathan, as most fans of the WB animated films know, is the voice of Green Lantern. He is also, most importantly, keeping the Lantern dignified after Ryan Reynolds’ debacle with it. The short also stars Michael Rosenbaum whom we all remember as Lex Luthor in the Smallville series, but does the voice of The Flash along with Daly and Fillion in the Justice League.
I’m not going to write a brief plot as it would spoil it for you, but give it a watch and let us know what you think.
The Green Lantern movie has just popped up on our cinema screens, so I went along to go and see if it was worth any fuss. You might know his mantra of “in brightest day, in blackest night”, but is the movie any GOOD? Hit the jump to read my review (no additives, no fats, no spoilers. Lots of greens).