Arty Movies Video Clips Weirdness

Star Wars Uncut: The Fan-Made Trailer

Thanks to Casey Pugh, you’ll soon see Star Wars: A New Hope in a completely different light. Pugh’s project Star Wars Uncut aims to recreate the iconic film by chopping it up into into 15-second scenes and asking fans from around the world to remake those scenes. At the end of the project, Pugh will stitch the scenes back together and make the geektastic film available for viewing.

The force is certainly strong with the fan, so much so that the trailer for Star Wars Uncut has just been released. Have a look at it after the jump.


Rare Star Wars Photos

Australian-based Lifelounge have come across rare sci-fi images (some previously unpublished) and wanted to share them with the Internet. From Chewy copping a feel, to C-3PO with his head off, the photos offer a humourous glimpse into the making of George Lucas’ epic Star Wars saga. See some of the images in the gallery below.

More images at Damn Cool Pics.

[via A Welsh View]

BONUS: Who want’s a Han Job? ;-)

Entertainment Video Clips

Star Wars as Told by Amanda

Amanda is a chick. She’s only seen bits and pieces of the Star Wars trilogy but does an amazing job of telling the story in 3 minutes which took George Lucas 6 hours to do.

– via Totally Crap.