Awesomeness Sports Video Clips

Freerunning Through Moscow

Urban ninja and freerunner Vasiliy Patrakov joins a mate as they run and jump across the playground that is Moscow. Take a sightseeing tour of the Russian capital city from Patrakov’s perspective, it’s equal parts exhilarating and dizzying.

[via The Awesomer]

Animal Kingdom Entertainment Video Clips

Boobies, Kittens, and the Cancan

Are you feeling down and in dire need of cheer? If your idea of a pick-me-up is watching a YouTube video that mashes together pictures of breasts in various states of undress with images of cute kittens and set to the tune of the French cancan, then you’ve come to the right place. Here is the aptly titled BOOBIES & KITTENS [NSFW].

[via @samanthaperry]

Arty Awesomeness Video Clips

Phantom Cocktails

There’s no slow motion like phantom slow motion. You may recall the fun night that Tom Guilmette had with his Phantom Flex camera in a hotel room. This time, film maker Ty Migota uses a similar camera to capture various drinks and cocktails being destroyed. The majority of the shots were filmed at 5,000 frames per second, except for the martini shots, which were done at 8,900 fps. The clip is set to “Here’s a Little Something for Ya” by the Beastie Boys.

[via Laughing Squid]

Animal Kingdom Arty Awesomeness

Who Let The Dogs Out 4: Behind The Scenes

Sometimes I wish I the ghost of Henri Cartier-Bresson would inhabit my body. It’s not just because I want to have a suave French accent, more so for his talent for snap-shooting photography. His goal was to capture the candid moments of life and it’s that kind of thing I attempt to do when I snap Mina and Panya on our outings.

I’m far from being an accomplished photographer so I end up with a boatloads of crap images which I have to sift through before finding a few gems to post here on the blog. I see a lot of bum shots, and ordinarily that would be a good thing, but in my case, the rear ends belong to a pair of dogs. In any case I thought I’d share some of these rubbish shots with you after the jump.

Animal Kingdom Featured

Who Let The Dogs Out 3: Return to Paradise

If you follow us on Twitter and visit the blog occasionally, you may know of our two puppies – Mina the fox terrier terrorist and Panya our whippet of destruction. When they’re not lounging about at home chewing on all of my stuff, we like to take them for walkies. It’s usually up the mountain close to where we live, but for treats, they get to run amok on the beach.

Yesterday was such a great day so we got up early (9:00am) and headed out to Sunset Beach in Milnerton. You might think this déjà vu – we have been to that very beach in Who Let The Dog Out #1. In episode 2, they escaped to Arniston, and led lives of “baie mooi honde”. Now, in episode 3, they return to paradise to frolic and pester little children. We had our camera on hand and snapped a couple of photos to share with you. Find them after the jump.

Animal Kingdom Featured

Who Let The Dogs Out?

Aside from our screen printing escapade and attempt at baking, I know we haven’t posted any personal stuff on the blog but it’s a lazy Sunday evening and I’m sitting here in my favourite holey underpants so it’s a good a time as any.

We try to take our puppies, Mina (Big Min is her gangsta name) and Panya (Lil’ Pun) for walks as regularly as possible, but we’ve been a little bad this week. They like walking on the mountain and scampering around in Tokai forest, but they absolutely love the beach – there’s so much seaweed and crab shells to eat and throw up later, charming I know.

Earlier this morning we bundled the puppies into the car and headed off to Sunset Beach for a little walk. Two hours later, after chasing balls, meeting everyone on the beach (Panya is such an attention-seeker), and with bellies full of sand, the tired mutts were home. We took some happy snaps of the walkabout and thought we’d share them with you. Find them after the jump. Panya is the grey one.

Arty Awesomeness

Paper Foldables: Print. Cut. Fold. Tape.

If there’s one thing we love here, it’s boobies papercraft. Artist Bryan Green creates super-cool custom papercraft toys that are available for free download. I’m told that assembly couldn’t be easier – print. cut. fold. tape. Here are some of Green’s creations.

Find the downloadable PDFs at Paper Foldables.

[via Drawn]