Movies Video Clips

This Trailer is “Hardcore”

If you remember, Bad Motherfucker director Ilya Naishuller started — and sucessfully funded! — an Indigogo campaign for Hardcore, first ever action POV feature film.

You remember nothing. Mainly because you’ve just been brought back from the dead by your wife (Haley Bennett). She tells you that your name is Henry and congratulations, you’re now a cyborg.

5 minutes later, your wife has been kidnapped and you should probably go get her back. Who’s got her? His name’s Akan (Danila Kozlovsky), he’s just a psychotic megalomaniac with telekinetic powers, and a never-ending army of mercenaries. You’re also in an unfamiliar city of Moscow, Russia and everyone wants you dead. Everyone, except for a mysterious British fellow called Jimmy (Sharlto Copley). He might be on your side. Good luck Henry. You’re very much likely to need it.

You saw a clip of the unfinished film here and it was insane. Now watch the official trailer, which I shouldn’t have to remind you contains liberal amounts of blood and violence (and a scant bit of nudity). This is definitely NSFW.

Canadians are in for a treat. The film debuts at the Toronto International Film Festival this month.

[via SA Gamer]

Arty Awesomeness Entertainment Movies Video Clips

Sharlto Copley is Your Sergeant in “Hardcore” FPS Film

If you liked Bad Motherfucker, you’re going to love this.

Ilya Naishuller, the Russian director who brought you Bad Motherfucker is at it again in Hardcore. Billed as the first ever action POV feature film, Hardcore is shot from the perspective of Henry, a cyborg who needs to save his lady from the clutches of a psychotic tyrant. In for the ride is our very own Sharlto Copley (District 9, Elysium) who provides tutelage on the art of war, in the most British of accents.

It’s action-packed, parkour-filled, and bloody as hell. Check out a clip from Hardcore below.

Hardcore has been shot and edited but it needs some final touches. Naishuller has taken to Indigogo for the additional funds to complete the film. If you’re interested in contributing, you can do so here.

[via Shortlist]

Arty TV Video Clips

Don’t Blink in This Terrifying Doctor Who Short Film

In this short film by Whovian John Smith, the viewer is placed in a spooky rain-soaked maze with nothing more than a dinky flash light. Around a few corners, and we are suddenly faced with one of those psychopathic hunters, the Weeping Angels. What happens next — do we heed any of the Doctor’s advice or does this cat-and-mouse game end badly for us? Find out in STONE.

[via io9]

Game Reviews

We Review: Killzone: Mercenary

Even though the PlayStation Vita is a 19 months into its life cycle, fans of the FPS genre haven’t had much to crow about. Developer Nihilistic created Resistance: Burning Skies, the very first twin-stick FPS title for the Vita but set the bar lower than a snake’s belly. Embarrassingly, the very same developer put in another uninspired effort towards the end of 2012 to produce one of the worst titles in the popular Call of Duty franchise: Black Ops Declassified. Roll on September 2013, and Killzone: Mercenary tries to impress the masses that have long given up on a solid FPS on their portable games console. Is third time the charm, could this be the “killer app” Vita users have been waiting for? Find out after the jump.

Featured Game Reviews

We Review: Metro: Last Light

Kiev, Ukraine. A crew works towards their goal. They don’t have the best resources, but they make do. It’s cold.  their workspace is cramped. And the heating hasn’t been on for a while. But their creative fire won’t be snuffed out. If that sounds like an underdog story from a video game, you might be surprised to find it’s closer to fact than fiction.

Ukrainian developer 4A games toiled through delays, the bankruptcy of their publisher THQ, and some rather unfavourable development conditions  to bring their creation into the light, so to speak. Their triumph, Metro: Last Light, is the sequel to their previous effort, Metro 2033, an FPS set in the claustrophobic metro systems of a future, post-apocalyptic Moscow. PS3 gamers were kept in the dark, as Metro 2033 was released only on the Xbox 360 and PC, but get to enter the metro for the very first time. Is the trip worth it, or should Metro: Last Light be shunned to a dark corner? My review continues after the jump.

Game Reviews

We Review: BioShock Infinite

Irrational Games’ new action shooter BioShock Infinite leaves its watery home and heads to a new lofty, fantastical setting. The trip there hasn’t been smooth sailing though, with developmental delays and a small cover art crisis. Has the wait been worth it? Is it just another BioShock in the sky? Find out after the jump.

Entertainment Featured Video Clips

Insane Office Escape 2!

You might recall 2011’s thrilling Insane Office Escape. Biting Elbows are back with another adrenaline-pumping escape sequence in the aptly titled, Bad Motherfucker.

Shot in a similar FPS style, the continuation of Insane Office Escape sees our lethal combatant in the hands of his Russian captors. They have the device and it’s up to our man to retrieve it by any means necessary. Cue bloody hand-to-hand combat, frantic parkour chases, and even a trip to the mountains. Check out Bad Motherfucker below but be warned, it is extremely violent.

[via SAGamer]

Game Reviews

We Review: Syndicate

When I first heard the Syndicate announcement I was filled with nostalgia harking back to the 90s. Those were the good old days of PC gaming. Before Windows became the centre of the universe, where running MS-DOS was the norm, and you needed to edit config.sys and autoexec.bat files just to make things work properly. When Peter Molyneux was still Bullfrog, before EA took over and he ran off to Microsoft. That being said, let’s find out what the new Syndicate game is all about.

Game Reviews

We Review: The Darkness II

There are few things more awesome than controlling demonic tentacle arms with murderous intent, accompanied by a dwarf-sized gargoyle sidekick who wears the union jack like a dress and has a cockney accent to match. Unless of course said tentacles come with a disturbed inner voice and a mind of their own. The Darkness II offers you all of this, in a familiar yet unique presentation. Find out what I thought of it after the break.

Entertainment Featured Music Video Clips

Insane Office Escape!

Shot from the first person perspective (the cool kids call it FPS), Insane Office Escape video tells story of a gentleman who turns from humdrum office worker to lethal combatant. The mystery man retrieves a special package from a safe and needs to escape an office full of co-workers who want to do him serious harm. It’s judo chops, flying kicks, and attacks with “slippery floor” signs in this adrenaline-pumping escape sequence. Check it out below.

Insane Office Escape is actually the music video for The Stampede by Biting Elbows.

[via e-mail – thanks Mike!]