Awesomeness Sports Video Clips

Dude Surfs Tahitian Wave on a Dirt Bike!

I saw this yesterday but still can’t believe it. Because using a conventional surfboard is too pedestrian for Robbie Maddison, the freestyle motocross rider decided to catch some waves atop a modified dirt bike. He transitions from land to sea with ease and speed, and rides a sizeable wave in Tahiti like it ain’t no thang.

Check out Maddison’s crazy Pipe Dream below.

[via Ufunk]

Animal Kingdom Arty Awesomeness Video Clips

Rollin’ Safari

Life on the African plains can be treacherous, but the students at Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg in Germany take a light-hearted look at it in their trailers for an upcoming animation and visual effects conference.

In each of the animated shorts for Rollin’ Safari, we see animals like flamingos and zebras in their natural habitat when they’re set upon by predators. But things don’t go according to plan due to some hilarious changes to their physical characteristics. I’d rather not spoil it for you so have a look at the four animated shorts after the jump.