Animal Kingdom Video Clips

Flying Eagle’s Point of View

You may have seen our previous post about of a Peregrine Falcon killing a duck in mid-air. If you’ve ever wondered what it must be like to fly on an eagle’s back, this little compilation from YouTube user Srachi lets you vicariously soar through the skies and view life from the bird’s point of view.

[via Laughing Squid]

Arty Awesomeness Science & Technology

Up, Up, and Away!

Here’s a wonderful example of life imitating art. Inspired by the events of Pixar’s charming action-adventure, Up, scientists and engineers over at National Geographic set about turning a house into a makeshift airship.

They attached 300 coloured weather balloons to a lightweight yellow house in an attempt to lift it off its foundations. The team successfully launched the flying house from a private airfield, and the two balloon pilots onboard the contraption flew it for an hour and reached an altitude of over 10,000 feet. It secured the team a world record for the largest balloon cluster flight ever attempted.

Have a look at the news report from Good Morning America below and some images from the build after the jump.

Arty Cautionary Tales Video Clips

In The Air

I don’t get to fly very often but whenever I do, I wish I were able to videotape the journey. There is always something magical being in a huge metal bird and surveying the landscape from a lofty height. Magical probably wouldn’t be the word that came to Ryan Booth’s mind when he shot a video of his airplane trip.

When Booth flew from Chicago to Texas, the plane he was in was struck by lightning during its ascent and had return to the same airport from which it departed. After a three-hour wait, he then had to get on a different plane to take off in the same storm, and to quell his fears during the flight he took photos and shot a short video of the view from his plane. It’s called In the Air and is surprisingly calm considering his frazzled state. Check it out below.

Read the full story on Booth’s blog.

[via The Huffington Post]

Awesomeness Sports Video Clips

The Art of Flight

The first day back at work is never pleasant, especially so when no one else in my department is in the office. And seeing the lyrics to Celine Dion’s “All By Myself” still scrawled on the whiteboard reminds me that even the cleaning staff are yet to return from holiday. To pass the time, I cry into my coffee cup imagine I’m doing far more adventurous things and flying squirrels always come to my mind first. Check out this fine example of wingsuit base jumping by Phoenix Fly.

[via The High Definite]