Arty Awesomeness Gaming News Video Clips

World in Motion: A Skyrim Time-Lapse

We’ve seen our fair share of time-lapse videos here at Onelargeprawn. We’ve been treated to the amazing vistas from the American southwest, bright city lights, majestic night sky panoramas, and even views of our world as seen from space.

The time-lapse video featured today has all wonderful shots that we’ve become accustomed to, but it is not of this earth. It is in fact set in the northern realms of Tamriel, a fictitious continent created by Bethesda Game Studios for the critically acclaimed action-RPG title, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. And in their latest epic video, Eurogamer’s Digital Foundry takes a scenic trip through the snowy tundras, pine forests, and jagged mountains of Skyrim. There is even an aurora to be experienced along the way. Have a look at Skyrim: World in Motion below.

You can watch the video in high definition at Eurogamer.

[via Google+ Search]

Cartoons & Comics Mindlessness

Cheating Man Busted on Google Street View

The internet, like a double-edged sword, is, erm, double-edged. It (the Internet not the sword) can be full of porn interesting articles to captivate just about anybody. With so much information seemingly available for free, the Internet can also lead to your humiliation and demise. A British man experienced such a demise when his adulterous ways got uncovered by none other than Google Street View.

The man’s wife was using Street View to snoop on a female friend’s home when she noticed her husband’s Range Rover parked outside another woman’s house. Her husband told her he was away “on business” but she recognized the blinged-out hubcaps on his Rover. The woman is understandably furious and has contacted her divorce lawyers.

Seems like a credible story no? The Sun thought so (and so did Fox News and CNET) but it was all a hoax perpetrated by this man, Idiot Forever. I tip my hat to you, sir.