Entertainment Movies Video Clips

The 100 Best F-Bombs in Film

Fuck is a versatile word and can be used as a noun, verb (both transitive and intransitive), adverb, adjective, or and as interjection. This colourful word has wormed its way into our everyday speech and in his 14-minute supercut, YouTuber user mewlists, catalogues the 100 best moments in movies that feature the F-bomb. I don’t think I need to tell you that the video is NSFW, fornicators of matriarchs.

It seems embedding of the video has been disabled, so you’ll have to watch it on YouTube itself. Here’s the link –

If you’re a glutton for punishment, mewlists has followed up his original video with 100 more of the greatest fucks in film. Find that supercut after the jump.

Entertainment Movies Video Clips

Pulp Fiction Supercut Contains Just the Cussing

A quick look at Wikipedia reveals that a documentary entitled “Fuck” holds the record for the most number of F-bombs dropped in a film – that would be staggering 824 fucks in the space of 93 minutes.

While there were only 265 fucks uttered in Quentin Tarantino’s Pulp Fiction, YouTuber user thecussingchannel picked up a total of 429 swear words in the film, and edited them together into a three-minute supercut. I believe I don’t need to mention that the video may be a teensy bit NSFW.

For an extra dose of cussing, plonk this post in the Samuel L. Jacksonizer.

[via Lauren Beukes on Twitter]

Awesomeness Featured Movies Video Clips

Inappropriate Soundtracks

After the fokken wind bitch-slapped the wooden fencing on our wall on Sunday (photo HERE) and some douche driving into our parked car yesterday, God knows I could do with some lulz today.

Inappropriate Soundtracks takes clips from popular movies and edits new music over the original scenes. The results are often quite hilarious. Have a look at some of them after the jump.