Entertainment TV Video Clips

Gordon Ramsay on how to Treat a Lady

First it was Nigella Lawson being all tarty in the kitchen, and now it’s the turn of celebrity chef and potty mouth Gordon Ramsay to get the 80gumdrops treatment.

The industrious YouTube user creatively edited clips from one of Ramsay’s cooking shows to make Gordon Talks Dirty, where the chef talks about the intricacies of making love to the ladies. Ramsay provides many tips, including having a go with three fingers, shocker!

[via @Deems]

Awesomeness Cautionary Tales Video Clips

Nigella Talks Dirty

Oh my, this so scrumptiously rude! YouTube user 80gumdrops edited various clips from Nigella Lawson’s 2006 television series, Nigella Feasts, into a rather decadent monologue where the queen of tarts tells us some of her culinary fantasies. Be warned, there is some heady innuendo in the mix here, so it’s possibly NSFW.

[via +Alex van Rensburg]