Arty Awesomeness Video Clips

Africa in Time-Lapse

We’ve watched and loved time-lapse videos from the likes of Terje SørgjerdRandy Halverson, and Tom Lowe. While these shots are amazing, they’re of the continental United States and parts of Europe, and it’s easy to forget that equally striking scenes can be found in our backyard, and that of our neighbours.

The TIMELAPSE SA channel on Vimeo collects time-lapse footage shot solely by South African photographers and features some wonderful scenes in the Namib desert, the Kalahari, and in the shadows of the Drakensberg mountains. See a few of these videos after the jump.

Arty Gaming News

Uncharted 3 Sand Art

You may recall Kseniya Simonova and the poignant sand art entry that won her first place in the 2009 “Ukraine’s Got Talent!” show.

It seems Sony have enlisted the services of another sand painter, Natalya Netselya, to produce a piece featuring scenes from the Naughty Dog’s upcoming action-adventure title, Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception. Watch as Netselya starts out with a basic scene, and with successive wipes, builds up the Arabian desert backdrop and the wise-cracking protagonist, Nathan Drake.

[via PS3ZA]

Arty Awesomeness Photoworthy Video Clips

Beautiful California/Arizona Time-Lapse

In a similar vein to Tom Lowe’s beautiful Timescapes, photographer Dan Eckert captures amazing desert vistas in the California and southern Arizona in time-lapse. He uses his own custom-built rig for the longer clips, which he says are in “hyper lapse”.

See more of Eckert’s work on his website.

[via The Awesomer]