You may have heard of the MARVEL-lous competition that we ran last week. Today’s the day you find out if you won one of three awesome Marvel hampers courtesy of Disney Africa and Readers Den! Who will our lucky three be? Will it be you? Or you there at the back? How about you over there in the Iron Man cosplay? Nice mask. Drumroll please as we draw the winners…
Tag: Competitions

It’s almost Christmas time, and we love giving you presents! Well, lucky for you, Christmas may come a little early for three lucky Marvel fans, courtesy of the wonderful folk at Disney, and the wonderful folk at Readers Den Comic shop!
Want to win? Then enter right here!

NOTE: This competition has ended.
Who doesn’t love a good competition? This time, the kind folks at Spiky Snail Games have given us a few codes for The Splatters for Xbox360, and so they’re up for grabs. I reviewed the game over here, so if you don’t know what The Splatters is all about, give the post a read. It’s entertaining, I promise.
The game was 50% off to Gold members last week (400 MS Points), but if you missed the sale—or aren’t an Xbox Live Gold member—and you still want to play the Splatters in all its colorful, gooey, splattery glory, all you need to do is answer one teensy weensy simple question, and BAM! Your name goes into the draw for one of the codes!
Question: Name one of the stunt types that can be performed by the Splatters. Hint: I mention a few in my review, but any of the stunt answers will do!
This time, the competition is open to our readers worldwide, so hit the jump, and have at it!
[There was a form here. It is gone now.]
The usual terms and conditions with the exception that entry to this competition is open to anyone, worldwide. It will end at noon (SAST) on Friday, October 19th 2012, after which names will be drawn and the winners announced. Good luck!
We’ve received many brave soldiers volunteers. We thank you for the sacrifice you are about to make. But, sadly, only three brave souls will be going on the mission. The has spoken, and our victims winners are:
Wayne Bossenger
Ruann Swart
Chris Rojo
Congratulations! Your commanding officer will be in touch shortly to issue you with your weapons, cyanide pills, and mission dossiers. Thanks go, once again, to MWEB GameZone for the prizes! Hooah!

NOTE: This competition has ended.
Gentlemen. We have a very important mission for you to today. We want only the best of the best of the best. Sir. With honours. See, we need you to drop into the warzone, defeat the enemy, and get out again. I’m not going to lie: some of you might not make it out alive. But then that’s what you signed up for, soldier! To die with honour! Hooah!
To prepare you for the challenge, we’ve got three Steam Beta keys for the PC version of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive for the three hardiest soldiers who are able to leave their names below and click “Enlist”.
[Form closed]
You have until midday, Thursday April 26, 2012. Do it soldier! Standard competition rules and regulations apply. Thanks to MWEB GameZone for the keys.

What a competition! I’ve not quite seen such a scramble for a prize since…well…since ever. We had millions and squillions and willions of entrants. Maybe even jillions! We had more entrants than there are people on the planet, which leads us to suspect that even alien races were entering. Alas, there can be only one dream! One soul! One prize! One goal! One golden glance of…no, wait. That’s Queen.
So, who is going to soon discover that no matter what scars they bear, whatever uniform they wear, they could fight like a Krogan, run like a leopard, they’ll never be better than Commander Shepard? Find out after the jump.

NOTE: This competition has ended.
This is just a quick reminder of the competition that we’re currently running. Thanks to the kind folks at EA South Africa, we’re giving away Mass Effect 1, 2, and 3 for the personal computer! And winning what people are calling the Stars Wars of our generation couldn’t be more simpler than counting 1, 2, 3.
If you have already entered the competition, thank you. We have collected the data in galactic readiness for Monday, April 16th when we shall announce the winner. Not that it has any bearing on the final result, but here are top five alien races as chosen by the entrants thus far.
If you want to get in on the action, all you have to do is answer a simple question in the form below, and then fill in your contact details.
QUESTION: Name one alien race from the Mass Effect universe.
[Form closed]
The usual terms and conditions apply and the competition ends at midnight, Sunday April 15th, and we’ll announce the lucky winner on Monday the 16th. Good luck!

NOTE: This competition has ended.
Good news, everyone! Thanks to the wonderful folk at EA South Africa, we have the ENTIRE Mass Effect trilogy on PC to give away to one very, very lucky winner. If you’ve wondered what the brouhaha was all about, now’s your chance to play the entire trilogy from start to finish, and enjoy the adventures of Commander Shepard. You know you want to win, and we want you to win…it’s a win win situation!
“I want it! I want it!” I hear you clamoring. Patience, my prawnlings. There’s always a little quid pro quo. All you have to do is answer one very, very simple question for us in the form below, and then fill in your contact details.
QUESTION: Name one alien race from the Mass Effect universe.
[Form closed]
“That’s ALL I have to do?” you say. Yep! That’s it! It could only be simpler if you had to pour water from a boot. Assuming you have boots, of course. Naturally, there are the usual terms and conditions that apply, including the fact that it’s one entry per person.
The competition ends on Midnight, Sunday 15th April, and we’ll announce the lucky, lucky winner on Monday the 16th.
So what are you waiting for? Get to it! Good luck! We’re all counting on you!

I know how everyone loves free stuff, and this time around, courtesy of the wonderful people at Nintendo (thank you PrincessPeachZA!), we have a copy of Resident Evil Revelations for 3DS to give away. “How do I enter?” I hear you clamouring. Good thing you asked, because I was about to tell you! All you have to do is answer the following question in the comments section below:
What is your favourite horror video game?
Yep! It’s that easy! Since it’s coming up Valentine’s Day however, we’re going to be extra nice, and give you a chance at a second entry! You’re going to have to do a liiiiittle bit of extra work for the second entry, however.
All we need from you is for you to tell us the scariest thing that happened to you. Or failing that, you scariest story. Good luck! We’re all counting on you!
The competition ends in a week, on February the 8th. Terms and conditions apply.

We haven’t had a nice, fun competition in a long time, have we? We underlings figured that, since Lord Prawn is not keeping too close an eye on things here at Prawn Central (himself being over in Sri Lanka at the moment), we’re going to bestow upon you, Our Awesome Readers, a prize: Mercury Hg for Xbox 360 (courtesy of UTV Ignition Games). That’s right! You can win yourself the very game that was just reviewed here! The caveat, of course, is that we’re going to require you to read the entertaining review! Nothing for nothing, as they say! So get reading. We’ll wait.
Done? Did you see the part about the banana? Good. Bananas always have such high comedic value, no matter where you stick them.
So, to win, all you have to do is this: leave a comment in this post telling us what your favourite element of the periodic table is, and why. Don’t comment your entries in the review’s post—it won’t be counted. The judges will pick the most creative answer, and award that lucky person a download code for Mercury Hg for Xbox 360! You can also help us spread the word of the competition by tweeting the following:
#OneLargePrawn is giving away #MercuryHg for Xbox360. I’m in to win! You can too!
After all, more readers means more competitions!
The standard rules apply: no active contributor to this site or their direct families allowed to enter, one entry per person, etc etc. Read the rules if you’re in any doubt. Now get cracking! You have until Wendesday 9 November, 2011!