Animal Kingdom Arty

Chart of Things that Glow

Bioluminescence is, by it’s definition, emitted light from living things. It serves several purposes in life, including warnings to others, attracting food, and attracting mates. We know that a good many things have glowy bits, but it’s hard to get a good idea of just how many things around us can create their own light. Now we finally have a very pretty chart, courtesy of artist Eleanor Lutz, that details a (non-exhaustive) number of luminous species. It’s a lot more than you’d think. Check it out.

Arty Movies

100 Famous Movie Quotes as Charts

In their “100 Years” series for 2005, the American Film Institute celebrated the best of American cinema by compiling the top 100 movie quotations. This formed the dataset for Flowing Data’s Nathan Yau as he attempted to convert the quips to informational charts.

Lt. Colonel Bill Kilgore’s love of certain incendiary devices in Apocalypse Now gets converted into a graph of the love of napalm smell plotted again the time of day, and The Terminator’s foreboding catchphrase is plotted as a recursive event. Have a look at those and more famous movie quotes as charts after the jump.