Game Reviews

We Review: Mass Effect Andromeda

Mass Effect Andromeda is, without being an out-and-out reboot, essentially a side-reboot of the Mass Effect series. The core series, starring everyone’s favourite Commander, ended on a very definite note with Mass Effect 3, and to be able to get back into the Mass Effect universe, EA has taken us to a whole new galaxy with a new cast and crew to play with. Let’s hit up the Andromeda galaxy for a review of this title.

Featured Game Reviews

We Review: Mass Effect 3

Mass Effect 3 is the conclusion to the brilliant sci-fi RPG series detailing Commander Shepard’s efforts to save the galaxy from total destruction. Or at least partial destruction—you can never trust a bad guy to do this sort of thing right. You’ve probably already heard and read many dissenting opinions about the game, so I imagine you’re asking why you should read mine. Because I’m entertaining, that’s why. Also, I have some good, common-person common-sense opinions. So read on.

Gaming News

Report Back: Mass Effect 3 Launch Party

Thanks to some very nice folks up at Mweb Gamezone (thanks, @mwebgmz!), (thanks, @kalaharicom!) and EA South Africa (thanks, @EA_southafrica!), I was fortunate enough to be invited to the launch event for Mass Effect 3 (the review will be coming your way soon!) on the 9th of March. The event was sponsored by Mweb Gamezone,, Gamersgate, EA South Africa, Red Bull, Samsung, and Rectron. If you’re not one of the approximately fifty guests, PR people, press, and general VIPs who were invited, then here’s a rundown of what sheer awesomeness that you missed out on. Yes, I’m telling you all this to make you jealous.