Cautionary Tales Music Video Clips

Everyday I’m Drinking

Vodka is the king of the alcohols in Russia with an estimated 1.417 billion litres sold in 2012. Alcohol abuse in Russia is reaching alarming levels, and it is estimated that one in every five male deaths is linked to alcohol. The consumption of beer in on such a rise that Russian government has taken steps to reclassify beer as alcohol, and not food.

Everyday I’m Drinking is a song by Russian band Little Big and tells of the nation’s obsession with alcohol and dire outlook on life. It’s bizarre, disturbing, and depressing given the statistics but it does have rather a catchy tune.

[via MyVideo]

Arty Eating and Drinking Featured Photoworthy

Booze is Beautiful Under the Microscope

American writer F. Scott Fitzgerald once said, “Here’s to alcohol, the rose colored glasses of life.” While you may be aware that alcohol can bring out the beauty of a great many things, you may be surprised to know that there is an inner beauty to it. American firm Bevshots from Tallahassee, Florida creates wonderfully psychedelic artworks by placing a variety of alcoholic beverages under the microscope.

To create their images, a drop of the drink — be it a beer, a Bloody Mary, coffee liqueur, Zinfandel, or just straight whiskey — is placed on a slide in an airtight container and dried for up to four weeks. The residue is then viewed under a laboratory microscope and magnified up to a 1,000 times. The resulting micrographs show the crystallised carbohydrates that have turned to sugars and glucose. Each drink seems to have a wonderfully unique and colourful structure to it. Have a look at some of these alcoholic works of art after the jump.

Arty Eating and Drinking Sports

Cheers! World Cup Beer Posters

Everyone loves Raymond beer. And moreso during these last few weeks as millions of extra pints are being downed all around the world. A brewery in China reported sells 42 000 bottles a day and on one day in South Korea 345 000 bottles. Meanwhile in South Africa, it is expected that 10 million litres will be sold during the soccer world cup. The figures all make sense because beer makes winning that much more sweeter and losing more bearable.

To celebrate the teams that have qualified for round of 16 stage of the soccer world cup, Moxy Creative created “Cheers!”, a set of poster where each country is shown as vintage label on bottle of beer. Check them out after the jump.

Eating and Drinking Video Clips

Heineken’s Walk-in-Fridge Commercial

In this funny little ad for Heineken, a woman is taking her girlfriends on a tour of her new home, and shows off her fancy walk-in wardrobe. The girls erupt in joyous screams but are overshadowed the screams of glee from the men. Check it out.

And here’s a great spoof by Bavaria on Heineken’s Walk-in-Fridge commercial.

God bless competitive advertising which one did you like best? Drop us a comment.


Asher Roth: Loving the College Life

Asher Roth is a 23-year old white rapper from rural Pennsylvania whose debut album “Asleep in the Bread Aisle” charted to the #1 spot on iTunes top 10 albums within 24 hours since its release. Sold out in-stores across the US, major retailers underestimated the grass roots support that Roth has received from blogs, magazines, and the hip-hop community for his raps on suburbia and varsity life.

Asleep in the Bread Aisle has received mixed reviews – praised for its old-school influenced sound, but also criticized for its limited subject matter.

Smoking weed, having sex, and swearing is hardly riveting material, and when Asher can’t turn these topics into something clever, it becomes tiresome

His party-rap single “I Love College” about weed, beer, drunk women, and frat parties unsurprisingly scored 36,128,311 plays on MySpace and logged another 6 million views on YouTube. Check it out.

What did you think – was it refreshing, irritating, bland? Drop us a comment.


Six Pack Fail

LOL. More at Fail Blog.