Game Reviews

We Review: BreakQuest Extra Evolution

BreakQuest: Extra Evolution, a Breakout clone, is a PlayStation Minis game from Beatshapers (the same wonderful people who brought us WizOrb, reviewed here). It’s the successor to the original 2004 Break Quest game from Nurium Games (also ported to PSP by Beatshapers). I took up my handy bat and ball to see what it was all about.

Game Reviews

We Review: Wizorb

We’ve seen some fairly strange video game genre mashups happen, and they’ve had various amounts of success. Just when I think they couldn’t jam more genres together, the folks at Tribute Games manage something I’ve not seen before: the mixup of an Arkanoid game with an 8-bit RPG. Does it work? Let’s find out.

Featured Game Reviews

We Review: StarDrone Extreme

Hot on the heels of StarDrone for the PS3, indie developers Alexey Menshikov of Beatshapers and Andriy Sharanevych from Orb Games bring their colourful top-down physics puzzler to the PS Vita. Does StarDrone Extreme play to the strengths of the handheld console? Or is it just another watered down version? Let’s find out.