Awesomeness Eating and Drinking Science & Technology Video Clips

The Chemistry of Cookies

TED-Ed tells us about the magic science of baking cookies. In this minimalist animated short, we’re taken through the series of chemical reactions that flatten the cookie dough, kill any nasty Salmonella, and give the cookie its enticing aroma.

Have a look at The Chemistry of Cookies below.

[via NPR]

Awesomeness Cartoons & Comics Eating and Drinking

Cookie Monster’s Famous Cookie Recipe

Aside from the numbers fetishist Count von Count, the Cookie Monster is one of my favourite Sesame Street characters. While the googly-eyed monster has eaten his way through a VW Beetle, the moon, a safe, pink rubber balls, an Xbox 360, and foam letters that spelled out the word “FOOD”, he is widely known for his love of cookies. Not only does he nom them, it turns out that he is an accomplished baker of cookies too.

Taken from Big Bird’s Busy Book from the 70s, an activity book from the 70s, the Cookie Monster gives readers step-by-step instructions on how to make his most beloved sugar cookie. Have a look at his famous cookie dough recipe after the jump.

Arty Awesomeness Eating and Drinking

Super Epic Rainbow Cake!

As some of you might know, I’ve recently taken to baking. I was pleased with my first effort, but now am always on the lookout for new and exciting recipes. And in a Liz Lemon “I want to go to there” moment, Lucy Furr sent me a link that made my whipped cream extremely stiff, if you know what I mean ;-)

From Kaitlin at Whisk Kid, comes the Super Epic Rainbow Cake. Made for a dear friend, Kaitin baked six individual layers (to match the 6 kinds of crazy of said friend possesses) with lemon flavored icing in between them, and then brought the monster cake together with white buttercream frosting. I would be remiss in my duties if I failed to provide you with the appropriate cake pron.

The recipe is available at Whisk Kid (scroll down to the bottom of the post).

[via Neatorama]