Cautionary Tales Useful/Useless Info Video Clips

Tips for Hiding a Boner in Public

Here’s some education material for the gents on this lovely Sunday evening. I can’t recall a time in my life when an awkward boner overcame me in public but given that there is a website dedicated to them, it’s clearly an issue for some. And Anthony Padilla from is here to provide handy hints for concealing the party in your pants.

Hit the jump to see a trio of Korean comics where boners can be of use in holding the lift and even saving a life.

Cartoons & Comics

Because I Like You so Much

For reasons only known to himself, tweep (yes it seems to be a recognized word these days) Ryan Brown is following us on Twitter.

A quick check at his website doesn’t reveal much else except that Ryan seems to draw comics. Here’s an example of his handiwork. Click to embiggen.

Ryan if you’re listening drop us a line and tells us more about yourself, because we like you.