Flash Games

Flash Game Friday: Space Mutants from SPACE!

In Space Mutants from SPACE!, those pesky invaders from the nether regions of space are back to destroy the earth. Commandeer a tank and push back the mutant hordes.

Use the arrow keys to move and Spacebar to fire at the blighters. Use the money earned at the end of each wave to upgrade your tank.

Play Space Mutants FROM SPACE! at Kongregate.

Flash Games

Play GlueFO2

Another time waster delivered just in time for your lunch break. In GlueFO2, it seems that a manufacturer of intergalactic spaceships has fallen prey to the economic crisis and could not afford to fit conventional weaponry on your GluVex 3000. However, you do have a force field generator that you can use to pick up small red orbs and shoot them at the bigger , unfriendly orbs. You complete the level when the big orbs have been smashed into tiny orbs.

Use the mouse to control your GluVex 3000, and left-click will fling the orbs from your vehicle.

Play GlueFO2 at Kongregate.