Arty Awesomeness Cautionary Tales Entertainment Featured

The Dot and the Line: A Romance in Lower Mathematics

The Dot and the Line: A Romance in Lower Mathematics is a cute little animated short film that won an Academy Award in 1966. Based on the book of the same name, this short film, directed by Chuck Jones, tells the story of a line who falls in love with a dot. The love is not reciprocal, for the dot sees the line as too straight, and directs her affections toward the wild and rebellious squiggle. Despite the stern rejection, the line turns to unconventional methods to gain the attention of his love. Does the story have a happy ending? Find out below.

[via Infosthetics]

Arty Awesomeness Entertainment Featured Movies

ROSA: A Beautiful Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Short

Created by Spanish comic book artist Jesús Orellana, ROSA is a beautifully animated sci-fi short film that is set against a post-apocalyptic backdrop. A female cyborg named Rosa has been awakened from statis and she starts exploring the bleak and empty world. She is not alone, however, as she is almost immediately set upon by a pair of assassins. Watch her fight for survival in ROSA below.

Wasn’t that amazing? It’s also extraordinary to note that Orellana taught himself how to use the required computers programs and made ROSA all by himself, with next to no budget. The whole process took a year to complete. It has been shown at various film festivals and there is talk that ROSA could be made into a live-action feature film. See more about the short film on its website.

[via Wired]

Cautionary Tales Massive Cuteness

Ormie the Pig Wants a Cookie

I love bacon. Bacon comes from pigs, ergo I love pigs.

In this endearing animated short film, Ormie is a pig who has a hankering for cookies that are out of reach on top of a refrigerator. At first, the swine tries to knock the jar off with a broom, failing that, it tries to use a stool as a launch pad. It then constructs a rudimentary seesaw, and fails yet again. Each disappointment sees a more elaborate, slapstick attempt to get at the delectable treats. Will Ormie succeed in the end? Find out below.

[via +Joachim De Sutter]

Animal Kingdom Arty Cartoons & Comics Video Clips

The Adventures of Robot Elephant!

A school student is attending a biology lecture that so happens to be terminally boring (been there, snored through that). To pass the time, this student uses the pages of his notebook to draw out the adventures of a very cute, very special elephant. The stop-motion animation is a tad slow to begin but it then becomes quite a blast. Check out epic doodle that is (Notes on) Biology.

[via Pixel Vulture]

Arty Awesomeness Movies Video Clips

Sucker Punch: The Trenches

Zack Synder’s steampunk sci-fi flick, Sucker Punch, will see an imminent release in many major countries except South Africa (we see an April 8th release). And this harrowing short may help pass the time as we count the 23 days it will take to arrive at our local cinemas.

Created by Ben Hibon, the story tells the tale of a WWII soldier from his death to his re-animation as one of the Helghan-esque zombies that the Sucker Punch team will have to mangle and mutilate on their road to freedom. The short explores the sense of loss during the soldier’s untimely transformation. Check out The Trenches below.

[via The Escapist]

Movies Video Clips

BIG CATCH: A Fishy Tale by Moles Merlo

In this cute little short film by Parisian director Moles Merlo, a fisherman trundles up to the end of a pier and tries to catch some fish. Unbeknown to him, a predator is looking to make a meal of him. Hilarity ensues. There’s even a nod to James Cameron’s Titanic at the end. Check out BIG CATCH below.

[via speckyboy]

Arty Awesomeness Featured Weirdness

The Tale of How

If you have a couple of free minutes today, let it be spent watching The Tale of How. Created by The Blackheart Gang back in ’06, the dark tale is about a flock of dodos living in a tree – and not this any ordinary tree mind you, this one is in the back of OTTO, the tentacled tyrant of the Indian Ocean. OTTO passes his time on the high seas by feasting on the dodos. The flightless birds send messages for help, but no one ever comes, and all seemed lost, until a visitor from the west lends a helping hand.

Wasn’t that superb? It took The Blackheart Gang nine long months of part-time work to create the tale (the making of is here) which happens to be the second part of the Dodo Trilogy. The other two works, The Tale of Then and The Tale of When are still to be made.

You might recognize one of the three members of The Blackheart Gang as Markus Wormstorm from the afro-electro duo, Sweat.X. See more about the creative bunch on their official website.

[via we-are-awesome]

Arty Cautionary Tales Movies

“Alma” is Charming, a Little Creepy

Alma is a short film by first time director Rodrigo Blaas and his team of creative designers. A winner of several animation awards last year, Alma is a story about a little boy who gets lured into a very odd toy store. It’s charming and a little unnerving, or maybe I’m just a big girl’s blouse. Check it out below.

Find out more about the short film at

[via zefrank]

Arty Cautionary Tales Video Clips

Red Rabbit

Red Rabbit is a brilliantly animated 8-minute short film by 3D artist Egmont Mayer and tells the tale of a man who lived all alone in his small apartment, until one day a rabbit suddenly appeared. Not knowing whether pets were allowed in the building, the man doesn’t let anyone into his apartment, and over the years the rabbit has grown quite large – like a habit one would say ;-)

See Red Rabbit below of watch it in HD at Vimeo.

[via Laughing Squid]