It was only natural that, given the immense popularity of Angry Birds, there would be TheAngry Birds Movie. I personally expected the film five years ago at the height of Angry Birds’ popularity, but it’s here now nonetheless. Let’s follow in the adventures of Red and the birds to cause mayhem and devastation to vast quantities of piggies.
Angry Birds is one of those odd things—some might call it a phenomenon, but I think that’s taking it a little too far—that takes the entire world by a series of tropical storms and lets loose. It’s available on practically everything from phones to tablets to computers to consoles. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if a version of it appeared for my headphones. It’s spawned dozens of licensed merchandise from toys to books to pyjamas to…well…headphones. Nonetheless, the game, in its Star Wars incarnation, is now out on PS3 and Xbox 360, so I summon the midichlorians and use the Force to find out whether the Force is with this game.
As part of the their Epictober Film Festival, G4tv has created a set of three video game-related horror films. The Birds of Anger, directed by Gregg Bishop, takes the immensely popular mobile game Angry Birds and transforms it into a rather disturbing tale. Inspired by Alfred Hitchcock’s 1963 horror masterpiece The Birds, Bishop’s 8-mintue short film tells the story of the the Bacon family who are paid a visit by their neigbour, Anne. The unwelcome guest has brought them a basket of eggs and has unwittingly ruffled some feathers. See The Birds of Anger below.
The other two Epictober films include twisted takes on Mario Kart and Duck Hunt. See those horror flicks after the jump.
The Internet is a veritable treasure chest of superhero mashups. We’ve seen them re-imagined as dinosaurs, felines, emotional wrecks, and even with their genders reversed. And now it seems they’ve been crossed with birds, angry ones at that.
Springfield Punx reader Ryan has been hard at work dressing up Angry Birds as if they were superheroes from the Marvel and DC comic books. As tired as you may be of Rovio’s cash cow fowl, there is no denying that these angry heroes are the teensiest bit cute. Have a look at the amusing Iron Bird, Angry Bat, the Avian Torch, and others after the jump.
Angry Birds is old news to some, but for the people who don’t have iPhones and Android devices and felt like pariahs, it’s a good day. You may still be a pariah, but at least you get to waste your life away by hurling bird munitions at pigs, all in the comfort of your web browser. However, there is a caveat – Rovio’s insanely popular puzzle game is currently only playable on Google Chrome.
If you’re using Firefox, don’t worry Chrome looks just like it, except it works faster. Download it from and then get Angry Birds from the Chrome Web Store. And then formulate some good excuses as to why you did no work today.
UPDATE #1: If you’d prefer not to use Google Chrome, then head to in Firefox 4 or Internet Explorer 9.
UPDATE #2: It appears not even a gang of Angry Birds are safe. The Next Web reports that a cheat (Javascript hack) enables you to access all the levels from the beginning.
UPDATE 3: Oh, in case you missed it yesterday, here is the catchy Angry Birds theme as covered by indie music duo, Pomplamoose.