Arty Awesomeness Gaming News Weirdness

Delectable 8-Bit Meat Diagrams

Illustrator Jude Buffum takes a look into the gaming world quite unlike anyone we have seen before. While artist Mads Peitersen paints the anatomy of gaming peripherals (360 controller, PS3 controller) in an eXistenZ kind of way, Buffum draws some gaming characters as if there were tasty meats available for purchase at your local butcher’s shop.

His 8-bit meat diagrams are detailed in the different cuts that can be gained from the creature and in some cases he offers suggestions for accompaniments to go with the meat. For example, while both Koopa meat pairs well with red wine and a serving of carnivorous vegetables and mushrooms. Have a look at Buffum’s series of meat diagrams after the jump.

Arty Awesomeness Weirdness

Great “Pale Horse” Illustrations

I had just seen the trailer to Jon Favreau’s upcoming “not Iron Man” flick Cowboys & Aliens (see the trailer here) and then I stumbled across a tweet from our mates over at The Given Collective about the fantastic pieces from illustrator, Chris Parks. They’re really quite striking and vibrant with a dark feel about them and I especially like the references to lucha libre and sugar skulls. His zombie high heels and monster platform shoes are awesome to boot. Have a look at some of his artwork after the jump.

Arty Cautionary Tales Weirdness

A Trip Through The Clap Factory

Well this is certainly not what I was expecting. Baltimore Clap is not some venereal disease one gets from the more sluttier people of Baltimore, Maryland. No, it’s far worse. In this little short film, follow a group of cute monsters and their terrifying ordeal in a cavernous clap factory. It’s a little morbid and weird but engrossing all the same.

[via Lost at E Minor]

Arty Weirdness

Disney Princes Gone Wild

We’re all for equal opportunity here at Onelargeprawn. You’ve seen Disney Princess looking a tad macabre and taken a trip to the sexy side of fairy tales.

Now it is time for the lads to get a little…undressed. Artist David Kawena takes a look at Disney Princes like we’ve never seen them before (or perhaps never wanted to). Aladdin, Hercules, and Prince Naveen to mention a few are set to go on a homoerotic adventure and are dressed the part – topless and displaying their bulging man bits in boxer briefs and jockstraps (top tip: do not google jockstraps). Will Turner looks especially comely in a frilly renaissance number.

See some of Kawena’s Disney Princes after the jump.

Arty Awesomeness Entertainment Featured Music Video Clips Weirdness

Kill Your Co-Workers

Unless you’re a one-man business (and you aren’t a douche), chances are high that you’ll encounter a co-worker who you just want to…invalidate. This rad music video for Flying Lotus explores the theme of killing off irritants in superb style. It starts off with a very happy parade down a town’s main street. The robots have been invited and are having a great time until Rhon, the human, behaves like a dick. It gets bloody from then on, but in a very endearing kind of way.

Check out Kill Your Co-Workers below.

The video was created by graphic designer, Mike Winkelmann. If you’re any good at animation, you can download the 3D models used in the video and create your own. Find the source files on Winkelmann’s website, Beeple.

[via Dooby Brain]

Arty Awesomeness Inspirational Designs Weirdness

Furniture Made from Russian Deep-Sea Mines

It is said that when life gives you lemons, you should punch it in the face make lemonade (but not without a license in America as this 7-year old found out). There’s a slightly different saying in Russia, about when life gives you old weapons of war, you should make housewares.

And this exactly what 51-year-old Estonian sculptor Mati Karmin does. In the coastal zone of northern Estonia, there are reportedly loads of rusty mine shells laying around. Made in the 1950s these deep-sea mines weighed over a tonne and housed 240 kg worth of explosives and we used to destroy submarines.  Karmin re-purposes these disused hunks of metal to make very functional bits of Steampunk furniture including desks, armchairs, fireplaces, swings, aquariums, chandeliers, and even a pram.

Have a look at some of his unconventional furniture after the jump.

Cautionary Tales Entertainment Featured Movies Risqué Video Clips Weirdness

Vagina Bubbles From Hell!

This is ludicrous. No, this is Japan and as frequent commenter and writer Macross likes to tell us, the bomb affected them more than they’d care to mention.

In the movie entitled Female Ninjas: The Magic Chronicles, the assassins are equally skilled in all manner of sexual arts as they are in ninjin’. And in this clip from the movie a female ninja dispatches a foe by using deadly bubbles from her nether regions.

See more bad ninja magic at io9. And speaking of bubbles, you might like what we did to some local bikini models.

[via Boing Boing]

Cautionary Tales Eating and Drinking Weirdness

Lei Lei, The Supersized Baby!

It happens to us all, we get a little older, a little lazier, develop a deep and everlasting love of juicy chicken thighs deep-fried to a delicious crisp in a spiced and crumbed coating. Before you know it, you’re umm…you know plump.

You just don’t expect to see an enormously over-weight baby though. All babies are a bit chubby and cuddly, if they weren’t, no-one would have the smelly, noisy things. However really fat babies do exist. In fact, there’s a poor little 10 month old darling in Hunan Province, China that is so huge he weighs as much as an average 6 year old! That’s a whopping 20kg! Apparently Lei Lei isn’t the fattest 10 month old ever – a boy from India, Karan Singh, weighed 22kg at the same age! Lei Lei is being examined by doctors to see whether there is an underlying medical reason for his incredible weight gain. According to his mother, little Lei Lei is absolutely ravenous and puts everything he sees in his mouth – perhaps that’s why he’s so portly?

I feel for the little chap, when I first looked at photos of him, I thought “aw how cute, he looks like the fat happy Buddha”, but pondering the situation later I became more and more horrified at the implications of a 10 month old child weighing so very much. Will his little legs be able to support him when he starts learning to walk? Is his tiny developing cardiovascular system being damaged irreparably? How does his mother keep him truly clean with all those folds of fat? How will he feel when he looks back at Internet posts that refer to him as the Michelin Baby? It’s just heartbreaking really.

[via Daily Mail]

Arty Awesomeness Featured Inspirational Designs Weirdness

AJ Fosik’s Amazing Animal Sculptures

AJ Fosik’s animal sculptures are truly striking and remind me of the Sri Lankan devil masks that are used in dances to ward off evil spirits. What initially looked like papercraft to me is in fact wood and Fosik is able to work wonders with the material. He uses wood, paint, nails, and minimal help from his computer to create some very colourful, intricate, and hypnotic 3D pieces. Have a look at them after the jump.

Arty Cartoons & Comics Weirdness

Twaggies: Your Tweets, Illustrated

We love pictures here on Onelargeprawn. They really are worth a thousand words, but in this this case it’s more like 140 characters. Twaggies is a creative little project that works like a visual tweet generator. Team Twaggies takes oddball tweets from random folk from the Twitterverse and turns them into a humourous comic panel. Have a look at some of the illustrations after the jump.