Arty Awesomeness Featured Weirdness

Hilarious Pop Culture Reinterpretations of Classic Art

In her series of 54 “pop reinterpretations”, illustrator Hillary White applies acrylic to canvas and re-imagines classic artworks to include characters from popular films, TV shows, cartoons, and comics.

White paints her reinterpretations in the same style as the old masters would have done and amusingly replaces James Whistler’s mother with a teenage mutant ninja turtle, inserts the hulking Voltron into a Monet, and has Big Bird explaining the musculature of Kermit’s arm to the Muppets in oil painting by Rembrandt.

See some of White’s creative pop culture mashups after the jump.

Arty Awesomeness Featured Weirdness

Quirky Stereographic Drawings by Dain Fagerholm

The humble animated GIF is one of the older image formats. First introduced in 1987, there has been a resurgence in the use of animated GIFs in recent years, be it in memes or the more arty cinemagraphs.

Illustrator Dain Fagerholm creates some wonderfully quirky animations that he calls stereographic drawings. By constantly flitting between two images, the animations trick our eyes, giving us the impression that they are in 3D. Using this technique, Fagerholm brings his adorable hand-drawn monsters to life. Have a look at some of them after the jump.

Arty Eating and Drinking Weirdness

Afterlife: Arty Rot and Fungus

Some people look for—and find—art in the most unlikeliest of places and things. Heikki Leis is one of those people. The Estonian artist, who trained in masonry and sculpture, is also an avid photographer and in his series Afterlife he takes an arty look at spoiled fruit and vegetables. Leis photographs potatoes, pumpkin, corn, and beets at different stages of decomposition and the rotting results are rather pretty. Have a look at some of them after the jump.

Arty Awesomeness Eating and Drinking Video Clips Weirdness

Fresh Guacamole!

Written and directed by the artist known as PES, Fresh Guacamole is a stop-motion short film that shows how to create the tasty Mexican dip using everyday objects like grenades, golf balls, and light bulbs. There are visual puns aplenty in this humorous and creative cooking clip.

PES also shows how to cook pasta sauce in Western Spaghetti. See that short after the jump.

Animal Kingdom Arty Featured Weirdness

Bizarre Animal Morphs

deviantART user HumanDescent from the U.K. has a vivid imagination. The digital artist thinks up what different species of animal would look like if they were interbred, and with the power of Photoshop, makes that union happen. Nosferatu is mashed up with a frog to create Nosferafrog. A Rabbick is a rabbit combined with a baby chicken, and one of his cutest creations is a Pog.

Have a look at some of his hilariously bizarre animal morphs after the jump.

Cautionary Tales Eating and Drinking Entertainment Featured Video Clips Weirdness

Pizza Boomerang is Deadly to Penises

Picture the scene. A He-Man-esque super hero waits patiently for his pizza to warm up in the microwave. Fearing the fast food might be a little too hot, our hero flings it from his home planet towards the earth. Thus begins the utterly bizarre journey of Pizza Boomerang, a pizza so epic that it could slice your penis off.

[thanks Andy!]

Awesomeness Cautionary Tales Movies Video Clips Weirdness

Heads Blowing Up

Supercuts are a dime a dozen these days so you have to pick the ones relevant to your interests. Heads blowing up is certainly one of mine.

That bloody montage was brought to you by Cinemamassacre. Be sure to read the Your Head A Splode tv trophe, it’ll blow your mind…

[via Live For Films]

Cautionary Tales Entertainment Video Clips Weirdness


If you enjoyed the surrealist ice fishing video, then you might get a kick out of this too. Created by CRAZY DAVE TAPE, this bizarre little clip shows an early human as he comes upon a nest of ostrich eggs. The primitive caveman cracks open an egg and goes on an unexpected trip.

[via @LOLTATZ]

Arty Video Clips Weirdness

The Most Surreal Ice Fishing Video You Will Ever See!

Meanwhile, in Finland. Strange things are going on under the waters of lake Saarijärvi. Two fishermen are involved in the most surreal bit of fishing that I have ever seen. Check out Fishing Under Ice below.

[via @zefrank]

Awesomeness Sports Weirdness

Extreme “Slopeflying” Antics in Stryn, Norway

This looks like an extremely dangerous high-flying sequence out of a video game. But clearly it is not, for the graphics are altogether too real.

Joachim “Jokke” Sommer, an extreme sportsman shot this exhilarating clip up in the picturesque mountains of Stryn, Norway. It’s called slopeflying and shows the wingsuited Sommer as he zips dangerously close to the mountainside at a rate of 200 km/h! INTENSE!

[via @AkiAnastasiou]