Entertainment Video Clips Weirdness

First Kiss

As we’ve seen before kissing can be gross, and in some cases it can be detrimental to your health. Kissing can be awkward too, especially if it’s your first one and more so if you don’t even know the person that you’re about to do it to.

With FIRST KISS, the people over at the fashion label WREN studio asked a bunch of strangers (some of whom are models) to kiss each other and then filmed the intimate moments. Some are cute, others are cringe-worthy and over 20 million people have exhibited their voyeuristic tendencies, so check it out below.

[via Shock Mansion]

Arty Awesomeness Eating and Drinking Music Weirdness

BABYMETAL: Dangerously Kawaii

It appears the crossroads of heavy metal and pop music meet (unsurprisingly) in Japan. Before the creation of BABYMETAL the world’s first half pop/half heavy metal band, its three female members didn’t even know what metal music was. Perhaps it’s by design or just happenstance, but the ladies certainly rock out to their “dangerous kawaii” image. Check out their cute head-banging antics in Give Me Choco!!.

BABYMETAL’s self-titled album can be purchased on iTunes.

[via Rocketnews]

Arty Awesomeness Weirdness

Will You Be My Ghoul Friend?

Monsters need some love, too. And back in the 60s, the Topps candy company tasked the late pulp artist Norman Saunders with painting a series of cards called Frankenstein Valentine Stickers.

Saunders painted iconic monsters from TV and film together with the cute, punny, and creepy pick-up lines they might try on the opposite sex. Mole Man has eyes for your silky skin, while Dracula vants you in vein, and all Zacherle hopes for is a ghoul friend.

Have a look at the Frankenstein Valentine Stickers after the jump.

Arty Cautionary Tales Weirdness

Drugs Exposed to Film Negatives

Different drugs have different effects on people. In her series entitled All You Can Feel, Berlin-born artist Sarah Schöenfeld wanted to know what kind of impression certain drugs had on inanimate objects.

Schöenfeld squeezed drops of different prescriptive and illicit dugs onto film negatives. Each substance affected the coating of the film differently. The resulting chemical reactions make for some striking photography. Have a look at some of the image after the jump.

Entertainment Video Clips Weirdness

What Kissing Looks Like From Inside a Mouth

Ever wanted to know what it’s like to kiss another person while having a tiny camera in your mouth?


That’s pretty gross. What’s an “adult kiss” like you wonder? Absolutely terrifying.

[via Digg]

Cautionary Tales Weirdness

It Will Be Fun, They Said

What looks like a fun music video takes an unexpected turn when some school goers decide to cut class and spend the glorious day frolicking on the beach. A boy and girl hope to turn their canoodling to coitus in the dunes, but are interrupted in a most disturbing way. See what happens below, but be warned the content is rather graphic.

This PSA was supposedly created for the Learn for Life Foundation of Western Australia.

Speaking of dumb ways to die, have a look at another of Australia’s unforgettable PSAs.

[via SA Gamer]

Animal Kingdom Video Clips Weirdness

True Facts About the Aye-Aye

How well do you know your aye-aye peepee from an aye-aye teetee? In this episode of True Facts, Ze Frank introduces us to a nocturnal primate with a rather creepy middle finger.

[via Ze Frank]

Arty Awesomeness Cautionary Tales Video Clips Weirdness

Reaping for Dummies

The only things certain in life are death and taxes, or so the saying goes. However, in this animated short film, death isn’t such a sure thing as a trainee reaper rolls in to a ghost town to claim the soul of the last inhabitant. Check out what happens in Reaping for Dummies below.

Reaping for Dummies was created by a group of five students as a graduation project for the 3D design and animation course at the Idèfagskolen school in Tønsberg, Norway.

[via Neatorama]

Animal Kingdom Awesomeness Weirdness

Hybrid Hijinks

Animal hybrids go way back in time. For example, the history of Ligers (a cross between a lion and a tiger) and zeedonks (a zebra-and-donkey combination) dates back to early 19th century. Dirds, however, are a entirely new invention courtesy of the Internet’s most mad scientists.

In a spot of hybrid hijinks, bird bodies and dog heads are being put together in a rather amusing way. Have a look at a small collection of Dirds after the jump.

Arty Entertainment Music Video Clips Weirdness

Tesla Coil Plays “Sail” by Awolnation

The Tesla coil is one of Nikola Tesla’s most significant inventions and is capable of producing extremely high-voltage discharges. At a Maker Faire event in Kansas City, YouTube user highvoltagefeathers put the electrical transformer to creative use. He set up the the coil to discharge electricity at various frequencies and the resulting disturbances in the air created the sounds of “Sail” by Awolnation. Have a listen to the cover below.

[via The Awesomer]