Cautionary Tales Video Clips Weirdness

The Top 10 Strangest Condom Ads

Because purchasing that pack of extra-ribbed, glow-in-the dark, strawberry-scented condoms can be an awkward, paranoia-filled experience, it makes perfect sense that condom advertisements would be equally as strange.

Spike breaks down the top 10 strangest condom ads around the world. Here are three of my favourites:

Scare Tactics

Unprotected sex can have deadly consequences and Argentinean condom maker Tulipan presses that point their “Be Careful” campaign depicting gratuitous skeleton sex.

Bollywood Condom Movie

In India, condom ads are delivered in such a way to have mass effect – by song-and-dance! In this epic 7-minute commercial, four grown men dressed up in coloured condom suits traipse across the lands with their troop of backup dancers, singing and dancing about the “ever useful friend to you”.

Bunny in a Jar

From Spain comes an ad for Control Adapta condoms. From the look of it, these condoms come with so much lube one could possibly use the excess to stuff a bunny in a jar.

See the full list at Spike – via Asylum.

Arty Cautionary Tales Weirdness

Death by Over-Indulgence

In her Drop Dead Gorgeous series, artist Daniela Edburg makes kitsch photographs of women murdered or about to be killed by consumer goods. The women are obsessed with these products, and their over-indulgence leads or will lead to their untimely deaths.

Asked why she consumer goods had a sinister effect on the women in her photographs, Edburg says:

I guess I am pretty compulsive. That which gives me pleasure one minute, causes guilt the next. I am surprised at how much I like the products I consume, but, if you stop for one second to think about it, it’s absurd. Yet, you can’t stop. [The work] is not a criticism it’s just an exaggeration of my own reality.

Read the interview with the artist at The Morning News – via Buzzfeed.

Cautionary Tales Video Clips Weirdness

Gasp! A Non-Nude Ad from PETA

The only reason you I pay any attention to PETA is because of their titular ad campaigns. Going vegetarian has a flitting appeal as long as there is a stunner flashing her naked hindquarters at me.

But this new anti-fur ad featuring the voices of P!nk and the chubby funnyman Ricky Gervais has certainly taken a new direction. Click play or go to PETA.

What do you think about it? Nekkid models versus skinned animals that talk. It’s a tough sell.


Peace Propaganda: Drop your Gun, Tuggin’s Fun!

A call to all citizens of the world – join together and masturbate for peace.

Found at TheChive.

Entertainment Video Clips Weirdness

You Should Have Seen This

Greg Rutter has reached the end of the Internet and compiled a list of 99 viral internet memes. If the Internet has a collective consciousness, would this list be it?

Head to You Should Have Seen This – thanks Wellmedicated.

Mindlessness Video Clips Weirdness

Patrick Duffy And His Laser Eye Cannons

A secret has been revealed: Patrick Duffy’s laser eye cannons are responsible for every viral video released on the Interwebs.

Click Play or go to YouTube.

Found at The Daily What.

Arty Weirdness

Acid in the Ice Cream

Acid in the Ice Cream is a new series from illustrator Zach Johnsen from Zenvironments. Pretty awesome, no?

More of Johnsen’s work at Zenvironments.

Gadgets Weirdness

Fun Shapes With Poopy Time

Make the act of visiting the toilet a happy, unique experience. With Poopy Time, you (or your children if you feel like sharing) can poop out stars and hearts  instead of the traditional logs you’re used to flushing. It’s a great gadget save for the fact that I don’t fancy sticking a piece of plastic up my ass (again).

– via deleteyourself.

Arty Awesomeness Inspirational Designs Weirdness

Chess Reinvented: Unique Designs by Renowned Artists

15 internationally renowned artists have designed unique chess sets and boards for an exhibition, “The Art of Chess” at the Reykjavík Art Museum, Iceland. Here are some of the designs:

Damien Hirst

In this somewhat conservative design by Damien Hirst, he casts medicine bottles in silver and glass (complete with engraved labels) on a mirrored glass board. A surgical trolley and two medical stools are included.

Maurizo Cattelan

Based on the concept of good and evil, Maurizo Cattelan’s chess pieces are fabricated in porcelain and represent figures that he both admires and despises. The king on the black side is Adolf Hitler, and Martin Luther King is his equal on the white side. Other notable figures appear as pawns, including Donatella Versace, Rasputin, General Custer, Superman, Mother Teresa, and Sitting Bull.

Jake and Dinos Chapman

Jake and Dinos Chapman have created an amusing board set in a post-apocalyptic time where the game is played by adolescents – the pieces on the white site have blonde-styled haircuts, the black side sport cool afros. The board is inlaid with double-headed skull and crossbones.

See more at R&A – via The Telegraph.

Animal Kingdom Video Clips Weirdness

I See Your Brain: Fish With The See-Thru Head

The Japanese have nothing on mother nature who has been birthing WTF oddities onto the earth and into the oceans since time began. The bizarre-looking Barreleye (or Macropinna Microstoma) is a deep-water fish that has tubular eyes (the green spheres in the picture are the lenses) surrounded by a transparent, fluid-filled shield that covers the top of the fish’s head.

The Barreleye uses its unique head shape to scan the water above it for prey. And when it spots some food, the Barreleye rotates its eyes to look forward so that its mouth comes into view. And boom goes the dynamite.

Click to play to watch a short clip about the Barreleye or go to YouTube.

Read more at AOL news – via Geekologie.