Arty Music Video Clips Weirdness

Trucker’s Delight

This is a tad bizarre and totally NSFW unless you’re happy with co-workers watching scenes of extreme tongue wagging, defecating, free-fall sex, and a colonoscopy by airplane.

Truckers Delight, by French electro group Flairs, is about the fantasies of a lonely truck driver and they’re brought to life in this cheeky/vulgar animated pixel art music video. It’s directed by Jérémie Périn who says this: “Think Spielberg’s Duel + Russ Meyer’s Faster Pussycat Kill Kill! and Marc Dorcel’s wildest fantasies.” You may also recall references to some of the 8-bit video games you played as a child.

[via Drawn!]

Animal Kingdom Arty Awesomeness Inspirational Designs Science & Technology Weirdness

Nick Veasey’s X-Ray Vision

Nick Veasey isn’t a traditional photographer. In the same vein as microscopist Alan Jaras who uses a scanning electron microsope to create a story about exploration, Veasey also makes uses of medical equipment to produce some unconventional art.

Veasey left the world of standard photography behind when he was asked to X-ray a cola can for a television show. Since then he has created X-ray photographs of everyday objects from mp3 players, toys, and clothes to all manner of plant life and animals. His experimentation has led to view the innards of larger subjects like motor vehicles, an office building, and even to capture the anatomy of a Boeing 777!

Veasey uses industrial x-ray machines and in the case of the airplane, 500 individual films were processed and then joined together on the computer to create the composite shot. For his “human” subjects, he has the option of using skeletons in rubber suits or cadavers. He reportedly has eight hours in which to pose and photograph the cadaver before rigor mortis sets in. I don’t know about you, but I find that a little macabre. In any case, the results are amazing to see. This is what he has to say about his art:

My work is real. X-Ray is an honest process. It shows things for what they are, what they are made of. I love that. It balances all that glossy, superficial bollocks. I’m real and straightforward. And so is my work.

Have a look at some of this most fascinating x-ray photographs after the jump.

Animal Kingdom Arty Awesomeness Featured Weirdness

Bizarre Steampunk Taxidermy

Well this is a touch bizarre. To make her art, Australian-born Lisa Black combines the medical practice of taxidermy with the aesthetics of steampunk. It’s a rather unusual combination and it’s really amazing to see these broken, taxidermied animals whose missing parts have been replaced with little gears and screws, like the innards of a vintage clock.

In her interview with YouBentMyWookie, Black explains her motivation behind her art pieces – she believes in transhumanism which is a movement that believes in the use of modern technology to improve human mental and physical characteristics. Black tries to applies those ideologies to her animal creations.

In situations like these, I think pictures do tell a thousand words. Have a look at some of her steampunk taxidermy after the jump.

Awesomeness Entertainment Featured Music Video Clips Weirdness

Hilarious! Red Army Performs Michael Jackson’s “Beat It”

The final match of the FIFA World Cup was aired last night and was a boring affair if not for the scrappy fights between the players. We were in awe of Nigel de Jong’s high-flying kick to the chest of Spain’s Xabi Alonso. Clearly someone brushed up on his kung fu skills beforehand.

Anyways, from the country that bought you kung fu fighting, white rabbit candies, and the cultural revolution comes the latest viral video. It’s a hilarious tribute to the late Michael Jackson performed by the Chinese People’s Liberation Army. The video uses archive footage from a ceremony to mark the 30th anniversary of a significant retreat by the Red Army. The soldiers in full military dress are singing in perfect time to the sounds of MJ’s hit “Beat It” that has been dubbed over the original soundtrack. It’s brilliant stuff, you best check it out before it gets “harmonized” which apparently is Chinese slang for “censored”. Also, it may take a while to load, so be patient. If the video doesn’t load at all, watch it directly at Tudou.

[via brainpicker (twitter) | CSMonitor]

Music Weirdness

HIFANA Takes to the Sea in “WAMONO”

The Japanese DJ duo HIFANA is made up of KEIZOmachine! (Keizo Fukuda) and Juicy (Jun Miyata), and they’re are quite adept at using non-traditional objects to make music. They are just as creative when it comes to their music videos.

Now we don’t know whether these lads have always been a little insane in the brain (or just Japanese) but in the music video for their song, WAMONO, the duo are represented by a musclebound cyclops and a pink thing with a face full of teeth. The oddball duo decide go on a rather extraordinary fishing trip. Check it out below (NSFW – mermaid boobies).

[via ufunk]

Arty Cautionary Tales Video Clips Weirdness


If you’re reading this, you’ve probably zoned out of the semi-final football match going on right now. It’s ok though, Paul the psychic cephalopod has already predicted a Spanish win. I hope for his sake he is wrong, lest the staff at Sea Life in Oberhausen, Germany will be dining on octopus soup in the canteen tomorrow.

In any case, if you’d like to take your mind off the footy and contemplate something more abstract, then have a look at this stop-motion street art short by Italian graffiti artist, BLU. In BIG BANG BIG BOOM, he takes a look at the cyclical nature of evolution. It’s typically BLU, so it’s quite odd but very impressive.

[via Geekiz]

Awesomeness Mobile Movies Video Clips Weirdness

Kubrick x Scorsese

Editing Leandro Copperfield genius decided to pay homage to two of his favourite directors in the only way he knew best. He re-watched various films by messieurs Kubrick and Scorsese, and then stitched together over 500 scenes to create a hypnotically violent mashup. 25 days, 34 films, 1 tribute. Check out Kubrick x Scorsese below.

You might like his earlier effort too, Tarantino vs Coen Brothers.

[via The Awesomer]

Arty Awesomeness Featured Movies Weirdness

The 501st Stormtrooper Legion Presents: The TK Project

The 501st Stormtrooper Legion (or Vader’s Fist) is the Empire’s official costuming organization here on Earth. Their manifesto seeks to promote interest in Star Wars, bring like-minded fans and costume enthusiasts together, and to use their resources for charitable acts.

In a similar vein to the Vader Project, the legion’s TK Project is a charity event where its members create one-off, wacky stormtrooper helmets. These helmets will be auctioned off and the proceeds go to the Make a Wish foundation.

The 501st TK Project blog keeps track of the entries thus far and we picked out a couple of our favourite designs. Have a look at the after the jump.

Arty Weirdness

Weirdly Cute Patterns by Mike Mitchell

We haven’t done a wallpaper-related post in a while. We don’t really have an excuse for it aside from the suffering a serious bout of procrastinitis. We’re better now and found some odd wallpaper patterns from Los Angeles artist Mike Mitchell.

From a bizarre skull and cross bones design made up of kitty bits to an anthropomorphic eyeball, Mitchell’s designs are cute, if a little weird. Check them out after the jump.

Awesomeness Risqué Weirdness

Dead Sexy Zombie Pin-Ups

Lord, where are my braaaaiinnsss at? Six months through 2010 and I just remembered about the dead sexy girls that grace My Zombie Pinup’s yearly calendar.

It’s vintage 1950s pin-ups versus classic zombies. We know you’d hit that…with a spade. See this years’ Miss Zombie January through to Miss Zombie December after the jump – possibly NSFW on the account of necrotic flesh.