Ever since the film Back to the Future Part II, just about everyone has dreamed of the day we could all ride our own hoverboard. A few months ago, a company called Hendo said they could create a pretty funky one for $10,000. Leave it to someone with some time to figure out how to do it with four leaf blowers, a skateboard deck, and lots of duct tape.
Don’t leave food sitting on the table, or else Mama will come for you. And force you to eat it. You can’t run. You can’t hide. Mama will find you. Don’t believe me? Then check out this funny video made by a group of French 3rd year students at LISAA (L’institut supérieur des arts appliqués, or Greater Institute of Applied Arts. If someone who knows French can correct my meager translation, I’d be appreciative!)
Forget the horse play in Gangnam Style. Chinese pop singer Wang Rong goes full chicken in the music video to her new single. It has to be seen to be believed. Check out Chick Chick below.
Cymatics is the process of making sound waves visible, and artist Nigel Standford shows just how that is done in a fantastic set of six audio-based science experiments. In one such experiment, Standford sends audio frequencies through a Chladni plate covered in sand and records the patterns that form in the sand. And in another experiment, he tapes a hose to a speaker and by matching the audio frequencies to the camera’s frame rate, he creates an illusion of water forming a spiral as it leaves the hose. It’s all very fascinating.
He was your boet in a film shot entirely as an FPS game, and now Sharlto Copley is teaming up with Neill Blomkamp for yet another sci-fi adventure. In Chappie, Copley voices a robot who has been gifted the ability to think and feel for himself. The coming-of-age story has our protagonist going from watching cartoons and looking cool to experiencing first-hand how the world rejects things that it doesn’t understand. Check out the trailer below.
Chappie was shot in Johannesburg and you would have undoubtedly recognized oddballs Ninja and Yo-Landi Vi$$er playing a parental role. Dev Patel is the young creator and mullet-ed Hugh Jackman finds A.I. too unpredictable. Chappie is set for release in March 2015.
Ilya Naishuller, the Russian director who brought you Bad Motherfucker is at it again in Hardcore. Billed as the first ever action POV feature film, Hardcore is shot from the perspective of Henry, a cyborg who needs to save his lady from the clutches of a psychotic tyrant. In for the ride is our very own Sharlto Copley (District 9, Elysium) who provides tutelage on the art of war, in the most British of accents.
It’s action-packed, parkour-filled, and bloody as hell. Check out a clip from Hardcore below.
Hardcore has been shot and edited but it needs some final touches. Naishuller has taken to Indigogo for the additional funds to complete the film. If you’re interested in contributing, you can do so here.
Lions are part of the elite club of apex predators. In this fantastic footage shot by South African zoologist Kevin Richardson, we see just how capable lionesses are at hunting (they do most of it for the pride).
Richardson strapped GoPro to one of his lionesses named Meg and we watch from her perspective as she sneaks through the veld on the hunt for a waterbuck. Once she spots it, Meg gives chase and before the buck realises the danger, it’s already too late.
Alt-rock band OK Go trade treadmills for self-balancing unicyles in the music video to their infectious disco tune, I Won’t Let You Down.
The one-take video shot from a camera onboard a multi-copter drone follows the band as they start a synchronized dance riding Honda’s UNI-CUB personal transport devices. The action gets more ambitious and complicated as the camera takes to the skies over Japan’s Chiba prefecture and captures a veritable army of dancers opening and closing their umbrellas in time to the song. It’s a delight but you wouldn’t expect anything less from OK Go. Check it out below.
Part of the ritual of growing up is watching horror movies together as a group of teenagers. The shared experience mitigates the fright somewhat, and makes it more tolerable. Some of those films you can even watch when you’re alone. And then there are some films that you really shouldn’t watch when you’re alone. Especially if you’re of a nervous bent. In which case, why are you watching scary movies alone, again? Get the popcorn, and I’ll run down some creepy films you have to rope others into watching with you (in no particular order–randomness can be just as creepy as the expected scares). Obviously, fright is a subjective term; some might find this list a little tame, others a “keep away” notice. If you’ve seen these, or have other recommendations, let us know in the comments below! The list after the jump-scare.
So, it being October, the month of Halloween and haunting and horror and other things that begin with “h”, we think it’d be good to get you into the mood by posting some creepy videos and stories from around the web. And by “web”, we probably mean “YouTube”. Nothing better than a nice, creepy video, right?
So without ado (or context), here’s your first vid, and we’re keeping it low for the initial scares. A creepy ghost girl. Possibly probably faked, but still effectively mildly creepy.