Arty Awesomeness Video Clips

Painting a Russian Pipe Plant in Time-Lapse

When I think of time-lapse, I am immediately drawn to the creations of Randy Halverson, Terje Sorgjerd, and Tom Lowe. Their works are shot in nature and I’d imagine with some very expensive, custom-made equipment.

In his video, Russian filmmaker Sasha Aleksandrov creates an impressive time-lapse without the use of fancy dolly rigs. He does it the old-fashioned way — point, shoot, move tripod, rinse, repeat. His shooting location was an interesting one, it was an old Russian industrial plant that was getting a new coat of paint. Aleksandrov spent two months at the site to create Pipe Plant. See it below.

[via This is Colossal]

Awesomeness Entertainment Featured Science & Technology TV Video Clips

Inside The Milky Way

It’s a city of stars above our heads. The Milky Way is a galaxy that stretches a staggering 600,000 trillion miles from one end to the other. And in this National Geographic TV special, we are taken on a journey through the tumultuous moments in the history of the Milky Way, from the birth of this beautiful spiral galaxy all the way to its eventual death.

One of the images used in the documentary is the 800-million-pixel panorama of the Milky Way created by the Gigagalaxy Zoom project. As grand as the image is, it’s a side-on view of the galaxy that we see and astronomers use all manner of high-tech computer tools to work out what it would like if it were viewed from a bird’s-eye view. Watch part one of Inside the Milky Way below.

Find the other parts after the jump, or you could just buy the blu-ray.

Video Clips Weirdness

Oh my Gosh! WIGGLES!

Rainbow sponges are very special things. In the rights hands they are able to bring about near orgasms.

Take a turn into weirdville with the spokeslady (Dee Gruenig) for rainbow sponges as she shows off the colourful ways that the versatile craft sponge can be used.

Oh my gosh! WIGGLES!

[via anitab]

Cautionary Tales Video Clips

If Computer Problems Were Real

We might not know it, but we tend to use a lot of metaphors to describe the computer problems that we have to contend with. From frozen documents, to broken Windows, to issues with the firewall, the AwkwardSpaceship takes a look at how chaotic the world would be if all our computer problems were actually real. Be sure to stick around until after the credits have rolled.

[via Ufunk]

Entertainment Movies Video Clips

The 100 Best F-Bombs in Film

Fuck is a versatile word and can be used as a noun, verb (both transitive and intransitive), adverb, adjective, or and as interjection. This colourful word has wormed its way into our everyday speech and in his 14-minute supercut, YouTuber user mewlists, catalogues the 100 best moments in movies that feature the F-bomb. I don’t think I need to tell you that the video is NSFW, fornicators of matriarchs.

It seems embedding of the video has been disabled, so you’ll have to watch it on YouTube itself. Here’s the link –

If you’re a glutton for punishment, mewlists has followed up his original video with 100 more of the greatest fucks in film. Find that supercut after the jump.

Arty Science & Technology Video Clips

Auroras as Seen From Space

Earlier on this month, YouTube user yesterday2221 used 600 still photos from NASA’s Image Science and Analysis Laboratory and created a time-lapse video of the view from the International Space Station (ISS) as it orbits the Earth at night. If you missed that, refresh your memory.

YouTuber user, isoeph, has collected raw data from the same NASA source to create another time-lapse video, this time of the auroras as they would be as seen from the ISS in its low Earth orbit.

[via PetaPixel]

Awesomeness Music Video Clips


Knock Knock.
Who’s there?
Bob who?

Lol, that little dubstep joke is courtesy of @tsozik.

I have no idea what the name of this song is, nor do I know the name of the chap doing the most fantastical dance moves in the video. I do know that he has amazing muscle control and I also believe that he is missing a couple of bones in his body. Take a look at PUMPED UP KICKS|DUBSTEP below.

Update: The song a dubstep remix of Pumped Up Kicks by Foster the People. And the dancer is Marquese “Nonstop” Scott of the dance crew, REMOTEKONTROL.

[via @GivenCollective]

Arty Awesomeness Video Clips

Alphabet 2: A Delightful Spelling Video

A is for apple. B is for ball. And C is for creativity. This delightful video made by Italian design studio n9ve takes a new look at how the ABCs are spelled out, where each typographic character represents the meaning of that word.

[via Ufunk]

Entertainment Featured Music Video Clips

Insane Office Escape!

Shot from the first person perspective (the cool kids call it FPS), Insane Office Escape video tells story of a gentleman who turns from humdrum office worker to lethal combatant. The mystery man retrieves a special package from a safe and needs to escape an office full of co-workers who want to do him serious harm. It’s judo chops, flying kicks, and attacks with “slippery floor” signs in this adrenaline-pumping escape sequence. Check it out below.

Insane Office Escape is actually the music video for The Stampede by Biting Elbows.

[via e-mail – thanks Mike!]

Awesomeness Entertainment Featured Movies Video Clips

The Raid

Some films are all talk, and no action. The Raid isn’t one of those films, not according to the trailer at least. In this Indonesian action film directed by Welsh director Gareth Evans, it seems a rundown apartment block in Jakarta is home to a ruthless drug lord and his vicious cronies. The beat cops are too scared to even ring the doorbell, so it is up to a 20-man squad of elite cops to raid the apartment and take down the boss.

The plot may be paper-thin but it certainly sets up the throat-slitting, face-shooting, ass-kicking action that is about to assault you. Take a look at the action-packed red band trailer to The Raid.

The movie showcases the Indonesian martial art  of Pencak Silat. It premiered at the Toronto Film Festival to much acclaim. Sony Pictures Worldwide have acquired the distribution rights but IMDB tells us that there are currently no release dates for any of the territories aside from Indonesia.

[via Collider]