Awesomeness Sports Video Clips

Bust a Move With Yoga Breakdancing

String bean Arthur Cadre combines breakdancing and yoga with the greatest of ease in this dance video. Both disciplines require coordination, dexterity, strength, and skill and Cadre has all that in spades. Watch as he busts a yoga move in Break ton Neck.

The video is directed by Alex Yde and the song, Sail, is by an American dubstep band called AWOLNATION.

[via Holy Kaw]

Awesomeness Gaming News Video Clips

Retro Warfare

Created by and starring Andrew McMurry, Retro Warfare is a funny little short that has our real life hero fighting off enemies from classic video games. Does McMurry make it to the end of the level or does the game have the last laugh? Find out below.

McMurry has shot other films including real life games of Metal Slug and Super Mario Bros., and in another, show how a minecrafter would deal with a zombie attack. See those short films after the jump.

Animal Kingdom Arty Awesomeness Featured Video Clips

Starlings Take Flight in Amazing Murmuration

A flock of birds. A murder of crows. A parliament of owls. The English language certainly provides descriptive terms for collections of birds. Perhaps one of the most interesting collective nouns is a murmuration. This term describes a gathering of starlings, and Vimeo user Sophie Windsor Clive was lucky enough to experience such a murmuration on the River Shannon in Ireland.

Clive recorded the amazing phenomenon where thousands of starlings are in flight, with one bird trying to copy the movement of the other. What results is a collections of wonderfully swirly, hypnotic patterns. It’s a breathtaking sight, you must see it.

What looks like a mating dance is actually a form of survival says The Telegraph. Starlings are prey for other larger birds and to avoid being the next meal, the starlings seek safety in the flock. They fight to stay away from the edge, because it’s easier predatory birds to snatch them up from there.

[via @Deems]

Video Clips Weirdness

Welcome to Kitty City

From the creator of Meow Mix and the mutating Walks of Life comes yet another bizarre animation. Cyriak welcomes you to Kitty City.

For more weirdness, hit up Cyriak’s YouTube page.

[via Laughing Squid]

Arty Awesomeness Sports Video Clips

I Believe I Can Fly (Flight of the Frenchies)

I Believe I can Fly is a 40-minute documentary directed by indie filmmaker Sébastien Montaz-Rosset. The film follows two French adrenaline seekers Tancrede and Julien as they travel to lofty heights in the Norwegian fjords. The pair are there for a spot of rock climging, BASE jumping, and highlining, a form of tightrope walking that is done at vertigo-inducing heights. Highlining is often done without the use of a fall leash.

Montaz-Rosset follows their progress at the awe-inspiring location and what follows is an excerpt from his documentary.

I Believe I can Fly is to be made available for download at the very specific time of 11:00 on 11.11.11. Look out for it on Montaz-Rosset’s blog.

[via @SurrealTiggi]

Awesomeness Entertainment Sports Video Clips

People Are Awesome!

Human beings are capable of so many things, and being awesome is one of them. Here is a compilation of different clips that shows how very crazy, athletic, and awesome we can be.

[via Kottke]

Animal Kingdom Cautionary Tales Entertainment Featured Video Clips

Mountain Biker Meets Angry Buck

Whenever I’ve walked on the slopes of Table Mountain, the nicer mountain bikers are generally the ones going uphill. They’re far too out of breath to be of any danger to me. However, the ones coming down the hill seldom announce their presence. They scream down the rocky roads, leaving a trail of dust and angered walkers in their wake.

You’d think a mountain biker on the flat savanna wouldn’t be of much nuisance to anyone. Unfortunately for mountain biker, Evan van der Spuy of Team Jeep South Africa, that wasn’t the case. During a race at the Albert Falls Dam, van der Spuy rode past a grazing Red Hartebeest who reacted to the cyclist’s presence. And by “react”, I mean “charge the mountain biker and klap him something fierce”.


[via +James Francis]

Arty Awesomeness Featured Video Clips

Amazing Arizona Landscapes in Time-Lapse

Time-lapse videos are so calming aren’t they? And it seems the state of Arizona provides some wonderful vistas for time-lapse photographers.

Dan Eckert captured the beauty of Arizona in his “hyper lapse” video and now cinematographer Dustin Farrell shows off a year’s worth of time-lapse footage that he made in his home state. In Landscapes: Volume One, Farrell captures the majestic landscapes of Arizona and the incredible city of stars above it. It’s absolutely breathtaking. You must see it.

In his second time-lapse video, Farrell travels to Utah and shoots some of the iconic, rugged landscapes there. Landscapes: Volume Two can be seen after the jump.

Awesomeness Entertainment Video Clips

Stop-Motion Ninja Duel is Bloody Badass

Ninjas are sneaky, except when they’re not. In this fantastic stop-motion short from animator Olivier Trudeau, two action-figure ninjas are locked in a duel to the death. Who will emerge as the victor? Find out below.

[via Live for Films]

Awesomeness Cautionary Tales Video Clips

Nigella Talks Dirty

Oh my, this so scrumptiously rude! YouTube user 80gumdrops edited various clips from Nigella Lawson’s 2006 television series, Nigella Feasts, into a rather decadent monologue where the queen of tarts tells us some of her culinary fantasies. Be warned, there is some heady innuendo in the mix here, so it’s possibly NSFW.

[via +Alex van Rensburg]