Animal Kingdom Cautionary Tales Video Clips

Attack of the Sneaky Sea Snail

Sloth are adorably cute but snails are on the opposite end of the scale. Cone snails are fiendish creatures, carnivorous, venomous, and predatory. This little clip from the BBC shows how exactly the gastropod feeds upon an unsuspecting fish that happens to be three times its size. It’s too horrible for words.

[via @Wakeangl]

Animal Kingdom Awesomeness Video Clips

Bath Time for Baby Sloths


They are adorable aren’t they? In this little clip from Animal Planet, a bed of baby sloths get treated to a bath of tea and leaves. It is just too cute for words.

[via @LaurenBeukes]

Arty Video Clips

ChronoCon: First Light

Pentalunex Team built a custom dolly rig, the ChronoCon, and shuffled over to Greece to shoot an time-lapse video that has, depending on your tastes, been improved/ruined from some HDR processing. Another misstep perhaps is the musical accompaniment, the severely over-used “Intro” by The XX.

[via The Awesomer]

Animal Kingdom Cautionary Tales Featured Video Clips

Attack of the Japanese Hornets!

With its large body and wingspan, the Japanese giant hornet is quite the fearsome creature. It is known to prey on bees, often dismembering heads and limbs in the heat of battle. It eats their honey too, because after all, to the victor belong the spoils.

It is claimed that a single Japanese giant hornet can kill 40 honey bees in a minute, so can you imagine what damage a nest of them could cause? The BBC did exactly that. In this clip, a band of 30 Japanese giant hornets unleash hell upon a colony of 30,000 diminutive European honey bees. The attack is timed to some epic orchestral music.

The original clip along with the relevant commentary can be seen after the jump.

Arty Video Clips

One Week in Japan by Mike Matas

Time goes by so quickly in this time-lapse video from Mike Matas. The photographer and his girlfriend travelled to Japan, and for one week, took photos of the things, people, and places that they came across. Their travelogue, One Week in Japan, is a collection of 4000 of those photos and chronicles the wonderful scenes that they encountered.

[via Coolism]

Cautionary Tales Entertainment Video Clips Weirdness


If you enjoyed the surrealist ice fishing video, then you might get a kick out of this too. Created by CRAZY DAVE TAPE, this bizarre little clip shows an early human as he comes upon a nest of ostrich eggs. The primitive caveman cracks open an egg and goes on an unexpected trip.

[via @LOLTATZ]

Arty Video Clips Weirdness

The Most Surreal Ice Fishing Video You Will Ever See!

Meanwhile, in Finland. Strange things are going on under the waters of lake Saarijärvi. Two fishermen are involved in the most surreal bit of fishing that I have ever seen. Check out Fishing Under Ice below.

[via @zefrank]

Awesomeness Movies Video Clips

The Lion King Rises

This is brilliant! YouTube user moviemaestroten took the audio track from the latest trailer to Christopher Nolan’s upcoming film The Dark Knight Rises and skillfully matched it to scenes from the 1994 animated adventure, The Lion King. The results are amusing to say the least, and Scar makes for a wondefully incomprehensible villain. Check out The Lion King Rises.

The Dark Knight Rises releases on July 27th in South Africa. The Lion King, now 18 years old, was re-released in 3D in September 2011, and earned a whopping USD 30.2 million in its opening weekend!

[via The Awesomer]

Awesomeness Cautionary Tales Featured Mindlessness Video Clips

The Best Bails and Fails of 2011

The human race is capable of a great many things. Failing is certainly one of them, and thanks to the collective efforts of TwisterNederland8, you can now see a glorious 12-minute compilation of the best bails, fails, and blood trails from the year gone by.

[via @6000]

Awesomeness Featured Music Video Clips

Hilarious “Phonetic Punctuation” by Victor Borge

The late Victor Borge was not only an accomplished classical pianist but a hilarious comedian to boot. In the early 1940s, Borge (originally Børge Rosenbaum) escaped the Nazi menace in Denmark, travelled to America, and started performing his now-famous routines. One of those skits is called Phonetic Punctuation, where Borge creates different silly sounds for the punctuation that he encounters as he reads a romantic story.

Borge also did duets and a particularly funny one involved singer Marilyn Mulvey who valiantly tried to perform Caro nome from Rigoletto, despite the many interruptions from the pianist. See that clip after the jump.