Arty Video Clips

Explore Your Dual World

As part of their latest advertising campaign for the dual SIM card smartphone, Galaxy Y Duos, Samsung Portugal uses projection mapping to create a wonderful multimedia presentation. As the human model covered in reflective paint sits on a chair and serves as the canvas, the digital projector transforms him into a myriad of people and things. Have a look at Explore Your Dual World below.

[via Fast Co. Design]

Entertainment Music Video Clips

Dubstep Solves Everything

YouTube user Jack Douglass wants to drop out of school and make dubstep his profession. When he tells his parents of the life-altering decision, they ask him what dubstep is and Jack explains it with a rather humourous round of show and tell.

[via The Awesomer]

Arty Science & Technology Video Clips

“Perpetual Ocean” Visualization Looks Like a van Gogh Painting

Every day it’s swirling. The world ocean is a large body of water that covers over 70% of the Earth’s surface and this beautiful time-lapse animation by the NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio shows the movement of the ocean currents around the continents and islands.

Using data during the period of June 2005 and December 2007, Perpetual Ocean is produced using a complex computation model that is usually used to predict changes in world’s currents. In this case all the facts and figures have been removed, leaving only the curly and swirly patterns that look like they could be part of the starry nightscape in a Vincent van Gogh painting.

For more information on Perpetual Ocean, visit the Scientific Visualization Studio.

[via @JoeyHiFi]

Cartoons & Comics Entertainment Featured Music Video Clips

The Car Guard Song

Last year Derick Watts & The Sunday Blues set the country alight with their anthem for Braai Day. Yesterday they released a song about yet another South African insitution—the ubiquitous car guard.

Filmed near parking spaces next to the local Spar in Vredehoek and sung in the same style as “Love The Way You Lie” by Eminem, Watts tells us about the life and often thankless job of a car guard. Some people give R2 while others give excuses, and Watts is about to hang up his high visibility vest when the car guard king arrives, dropping R5 coins and a whole lot of sage advice. Check out The Car Guard Song below.

People have polarized opinions about car guards. What are your thoughts—do you pay them for the protecting your car or do you leg it before they get there?

[via @GrantHinds]

Awesomeness Entertainment Featured Movies Video Clips


From the high-speed pursuit to the slo-mo big air jump to the classic train escape, the chase scene is an integral part of movies.

In his short film, Wes Ball of Oddball Animation studio creates the thrilling post-apocalyptic chase sequence in which an unnamed protagonist is invariably spotted by a flying sentry and must take to his trusty Yamaha motorcycle to escape. Check out RUIN below.

Ball’s short film leaves off where all good teasers should—with you eager to know more. To see behind-the-scenes work on RUIN, be sure to check out Oddball Animation’s concepts page.

[via io9]

Video Clips

Hitchcock’s Definition of Happiness

I may be mixing my metaphors here but some say that the path to happiness is paved with good intentions bacon. Others say that a happy wife equates to a happy life. In this interview, acclaimed film director Alfred Hitchcock shares his thoughts on the matter.

What’s your idea of happiness? Is it as simple as the absence of sadness or is it a more complex set of feelings?

[via Open Culture]

Arty Science & Technology Video Clips

The Stars

Another day, another time-lapse video. Not that we’re complaining of course. Vimeo user AJRCLIPS collects and edits the open source data from NASA’s Image Science & Analysis Laboratory to show the stars as viewed from different cameras placed aboard the International Space Station. As expected, the views are splendiferous.

[via +Ron Garan]

Animal Kingdom Arty Awesomeness Music Video Clips

It’s a (Capetonian) Dog’s Life

Dave Meinert, a director and filmmaker in Cape Town, was asked by a friend look after their dog, Lemon, for the weekend. Meinert did what any filmmaker worth his camera would do — he custom-fitted a GoPro camera onto Lemon and took the dog to the beach, for a round of putt putt (mini golf), and to visit other sights around Cape Town.

He gathered all the footage and edited it to form the music video to local artist Johnny Neon’s song, Hearts. Lemon has quite the charmed life, see the exuberant music video below.

[via Lost at E Minor]

Arty Awesomeness Music Video Clips

Japanese Tron-Inspired Dance Routine

Dance troupe Wrecking Crew Orchestra from Japan channels Tron in one of their recent shows. As it starts, the stage is bathed in darkness, and one by one the members of the group reveal themselves. They’re dressed in special light-emitting glow-suits, and the timing of the lights further enhances their dance routine. Have a look at video below, but beware, it does get a little dubstep-y at the 3:39-minute mark.

[via Kottke]

Arty Awesomeness Cartoons & Comics Entertainment Music Video Clips

TMNT Stop Motion Intro is Totally Radical, Dudes!

Cowabunga dudes! Videographers Kyle Roberts and Nathan Poppe set about recreating the opening credits to the 1987 animated series of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

The duo opted for the stop-motion approach, with Poppe drawing the colourful backdrops and Roberts posing the TMNT action figures (and a very special action star in the role of Splinter). The Boom Bang provided a cover of the theme song. 4000 images later and their nostalgic tribute to the heroes in a half shell was complete. Check it out below.

[via Best Week Ever]