Movies Video Clips


Well it’s finally here and it looks great. It’s the teaser for the proper interpretation of the iconic ass-kicking Judge from the future, Dredd.

Dredd fans have been waiting since the 90s, and it’s one of my most anticipated movies of 2012. After the Stallone version, it’s time for the Mega-City anti-hero to be given some respect and from this teaser it looks like he has. Personally, I would have preferred Mickey Rourke as the lawman, both for size and age but Karl Urban looks like he will pull it off. So take a look and let us know what you think.

Dredd is due for release on September 21, 2012.

[via Twitter]

Arty Awesomeness Entertainment Featured TV Video Clips

Breaking Bad: Requiem for a Dream

All hail the king. Breaking Bad makes its triumphant return in July for the fifth and final season. From images of Walt as Nyan Cat in Breaking GIFs to all manner of amazing artworks, it’s clear that the show has great chemistry with its viewers.

YouTuber user Jswinney1 shows appreciation for the series with this fantastic recap of seasons one through four. Accompanied by the composition, Lux Aeterna, by Clint Mansell, the tribute shows the dire beginnings of messieurs White and Pinkman to the violent rise of Heisenberg.

[via SA Gamer]

Humor Video Clips

Hilarious Lithuanian Blow Job

Meanwhile, in Lithuania…

Architect-turned-photographer Tadao Cern humourously plays on the colloquial term for fellatio.He blasts a powerful jet of air at the faces of women and records their reactions in super slow motion. See the Blow Job video below.

[via @boingboing]

Arty Awesomeness Entertainment Featured Movies Video Clips

Terra Sacra

Terra Sacra means “sacred earth” in Latin. In the last six years, photographer Sean F. White travelled across all seven of our continents, to 24 countries and captured his views of ancient structures, sweepings vistas, and beautiful night skies. In his breathtaking short film, White features a collection of time-lapse sequences that he shot during his trips.

Accompanied by an original score by Roy Milner, White’s journey takes the viewer through three distinct acts: (I) Primordial Earth, (II) Past meets Present, and (III) Eternal Universe. Have a look at Terra Sacra below.

[via The Awesomer]

Cautionary Tales Mindlessness Video Clips

The Fall of Pinterest

Pinterest is for girls. That’s not an inflammatory statement, the stats say so. According to the numbers, almost 70% of Pinterest users are of the female persuasion.

For the LULZ, the manly jerks over at College Humor decided to launch an all-out attack against the kingdom of wedding dresses and cupcakes. Watch as the Nyan Cat leads the charge of the Internet trolls in The Fall of Pinterest.

[via Mashable]

Awesomeness Featured Music Video Clips

Sounds Fishy: The Misheard Lyrics of O Fortuna

O Fortuna is one of the most popular bits of classical music. Composed in the mid 30s, the performance opens in bombastic style and descends into a whisper as the choir takes over two minutes to complain about how fate sucks.

For those not versed in Latin, the words of O Fortuna could sound like English words sung rather oddly. And with references to tuna, chicken, Troll Face, Me Gusta, and other popular memes this animated version by YouTube user FamishedMammal plays on that fact.

LOL at the Misheard Lyrics version of O Fortuna below.

Listen to the tune and its proper lyrics (with English subtitles) after the jump.

Arty Science & Technology Video Clips

The Incandescent Sun

Sometimes the boffins over at NASA like to have a bit of fun. Images of the sun captured from their Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) mission were enhanced, not to add any further scientific value, but to make them look purdy.

The visualization shows the movement of plasma in the sun’s atmosphere. The corona as it is called reaches temperatures of 600000 Kelvin, or 599726.85 degrees Celsius! Have a look at our beautiful Incandescent Sun below.

To download the images and HD video, travel to the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.

[via Holy Kaw]

Science & Technology Video Clips

Measuring the Universe

The interactive Scale of the Universe shows us how minuscule and gargantuan elements in our universe can be. But just how do we go about measuring the distances from the Earth to these celestial bodies? This charming animated short from the Royal Observatory Greenwich answers that question, explaining the concepts with easy, familiar analogies.

[via Brain Pickings]

Arty Music Video Clips

Aesop Rock’s Graffiti Time-Lapse Music Video is Mesmerising

To promote his new single Zero Dark Thirty, American hip hop artist Aesop Rock enlisted the services of director Isaac Ravishankara and artist Coro to create a mesmerising set of visuals.

Ravishankara set up six Canon DSLR cameras that shot three-second exposures to create the time-lapse video of Coro as he painted a wall for a labour-intensive 10 hours. He then melded the footage of the ever-evolving painting with real-time video of Aesop Rock reclining against the wall on which Coro painted the mural (read the specifics of the production process here).

Zero Dark Thirty is taken from Aesop Rock’s forthcoming album, Skelethon. Check out the music video below.

[via The Huffington Post]

Arty Awesomeness Featured Music Video Clips

The History of Whistling

In their latest three-minute medley, cdza (short for Collective Cadenza) pays tribute to the art of whistling.

While the other band members, Evan Shinners and Michael Thurber, play the keys and strings, Eric Rivera whistles through 26 songs, starting off in early 1914 with Lieutenant F. J. Ricketts’ popular marching tune. Other highlights along the way include Ennio Morricone’s “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly”, The Bangles’ 1986 hit “Walk Like An Egyptian”, and Foster The People’s “Pumped Up Kicks”.

Have a listen to the History of Whistling over the past 98 years.

Find the full set list after the jump.