Arty Awesomeness Featured Video Clips

Out of This World!

If you thought Don Pettit’s star trail photos are out of this world, then you’re sure to appreciate this stellar effort.

A number of people have used NASA’s Image Science & Analysis Laboratory source of photos to create stunning time-lapse videos of the Earth as seen from the International Space Station. The latest video from photographer Knate Myers is no different. Myers adds a touch of Photoshop to enhance some of the NASA shots and uses the tune “Sunshine” by composer John Murphy. Have a look at View from the ISS at Night below.

[via The Verge]

Arty Music Video Clips

A Wonderful World of Music

You may recall cdza (short for Collective Cadenza) from their three-minute tribute to whistling or their jovial piano rendition of Jay-Z and Kanye West’s song, “Niggas in Paris.”

In their latest video, the group sings “What a Wonderful World” in 16 different music genres, transitioning from Gregorian to metal to disco, and even the accursed dubstep.

[via Goodnet]

Arty Awesomeness Video Clips

Africa in Time-Lapse

We’ve watched and loved time-lapse videos from the likes of Terje SørgjerdRandy Halverson, and Tom Lowe. While these shots are amazing, they’re of the continental United States and parts of Europe, and it’s easy to forget that equally striking scenes can be found in our backyard, and that of our neighbours.

The TIMELAPSE SA channel on Vimeo collects time-lapse footage shot solely by South African photographers and features some wonderful scenes in the Namib desert, the Kalahari, and in the shadows of the Drakensberg mountains. See a few of these videos after the jump.

Arty Awesomeness Featured Video Clips

RADICAL OPENNESS: The Power of Ideas

Filmmaker and forever optimist Jason Silva loves ideas. It amazes him how a tiny spark in an excitable neuron gives life to an idea and how that idea can spread through the vector of language.

Inspired by other forward thinkers of past and present, Silva’s rather psychedelic, inspirational short film RADICAL OPENNESS pays homage to the imaginable and unimaginable power of the idea.

[via Holy Kaw!]

Arty Entertainment Featured Music Video Clips

Dubstep Dispute

Dubstep is invading our lives. It’s part of Darth Vader’s walk-in music and badgers are exercising to it. Heck, your mom can make dubstep.

This cute animated short from Fluxel Media shows that dubstep solves everything, even disputes between worker droids.

[via @Deems]

Entertainment Music Video Clips

Epic Rap Battles: Jobs vs. Gates

Like the Bloods and the Crips, the rivalry between Mac and PC rages on, albeit with a little less bloodshed. But it’s cut-throat nonetheless as Epic Rap Battles of History pits the two champions of the computing world against each other. It’s the nerds versus the creatives but who is the real winner in this throwdown? Find out below.

[via SA Gamer]

Animal Kingdom Entertainment Humor Music Video Clips

Digging in the Deep

The world seems to love Adele’s “Rolling in the Deep”. It has been covered hundreds and thousands of times on YouTube, and Luc Bergeron even created a music video for the song containing clips of other YouTube users singing it. It’s still surprisingly good.

The animal world is getting in on the act too. In this spoof by The Pet Collective, Pete “Pawdele” feels similarly scorned as his owner steps out the house with her male friend. Check out Digging in the Deep below.

[via The Huffington Post]

Arty Awesomeness Video Clips

The World’s Tiniest Police Chase

From the creative minds who brought you Address is Approximate comes the world’s smallest police chase. The folks over at UK-based production company The Theory use an iPhone and pocket video projectors to create a thrilling high-octane chase scene that takes place around their office.

Check out Speed Of Light, the world’s smallest action police chase.

[via Blitzmatt]

Arty Entertainment Featured Video Clips

Lights Over Lapland

This labour of love took Chad and Linnea Blakley three years to create. What started out as a summer job in Abisko National Park, Sweden quickly turned into an obsession, and Chad found employment at the park’s Aurora Sky Station. Hunting for the phenomenal light display became his day (and night) job.

His time-lapse video of the swirling aurorae over the Swedish skies is composed from 2,000 hours of footage and is free from any type of colour correction. Have a look at the Lights Over Lapland below.

[via Mashable]

Movies Music Video Clips

Say What? Pogo Takes on Pulp Fiction in “Lead Breakfast”

From Alice to Skynet Symphonic to Pogo Does Dexter, the Australian DJ and remixer, Nick Bertke, has become known for his new compositions made up of sound bites from films.

In his latest piece of music, Bertke turns his attention to Quentin Tarantino’s humourously violent tale, Pulp Fiction. The combination of Pogo, auto-tune, and infamous Tarantino dialogue makes for an equally violent and obscenity-filled song. Watch as Samuel L. Jackson says “What?” in Lead Breakfast (NSFW).

[via Popped Culture]