Cautionary Tales Useful/Useless Info Video Clips

Famous Last Words

As they say, in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.

When death is near and you’re about shuffle off this mortal coil, what do you think you final words would be? George Washington’s last words were an accepting “‘Tis well.” while American Civil War general John Sedgwick never saw it coming when he said, “They couldn’t hit an elephant at this distance.” And being his natural witty self, Oscar Wilde supposedly said, “My wallpaper and I are fighting a duel to the death. One or the other of us has to go.”

If you’d like to get an early start on your final soliloquy and need some inspiration, have a look at this compilation of 50 famous last words courtesy of the vlogbrothers.

[thanks Emily!]

Animal Kingdom Awesomeness Featured Video Clips

Falcon-mounted Camera Captures Stunning Kill

You may recall how dashcams give us with a look at life in Russia. Cameras mounted onto animals provide an equally interesting view, and in this case we see it from the perspective of a Peale’s Peregrine Falcon named Dora.

Peregrine falcons are known to be the fastest animal in the kingdom, often reaching speeds in the excess of 300 km/h during their hunting dives. A camera mounted on the back of Dora captures such a high speed take down. In the beginning Dora calmly takes to the skies and explores the surroundings, but around the 2:45 mark there is an incredible burst of speed as Dora spots and makes contact with a duck. Check out the striking video below.

[via Kottke]

Awesomeness Cartoons & Comics TV Video Clips

Scientifically Accurate Ninja Turtles

As history tells us, four small turtles came into contact with a green radioactive goo and got turned into totally tubular, human-sized crime fighters. Named after four Renaissance artists, our heroes in the half shell cracked wise, gorged on pizza, and dropped catchphrases like “Cowabunga!” and “Turtle Power!”

For science, ADHD over on YouTube created an opening sequence that reveals what the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles would look if they were real. Salmonella and giant penises are abound in this most amusing spoof. Check out Scientifically Accurate Ninja Turtles below.

[via @JoeyHiFi]

Arty Awesomeness Entertainment Featured Movies Video Clips

Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope in 60 Seconds

If time is money, then I’d wager this might be the best minute you’ll spend today.

The folks over at 1A4STUDIO have created an awesome, abridged version of the first film in the epic space opera that is Star Wars. It’s minimalist right down to the dialogue, colour palette, and running time of just 60 seconds. Check out the speedrun of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.

[via Live for Film]

Animal Kingdom Awesomeness Humor Video Clips

This Cat Loves its Vacuum Cleaner

At one point in our lives, we’ve either thought about it or have actually stuck our tongues down the business end of a vacuum cleaner. It might not be a pleasurable experience for us but this cat seems to lap it up. Watch the oddly amusing video below.

[via @nxtrms]

Arty Awesomeness Science & Technology Video Clips

Paint Explosions in Super Slow Motion

If your Monday needed a splash of colour, you might like this video. Gavin Free and Daniel Gruchy, the slow-mo guys, put squibs in nail polish bottles filled with paint and set up a Phantom v1610 ultra high speed camera to capture the explosions of colour. Have a look at paint exploding at 15,000 frames a second, or at 600 times slower than our human vision.

[via Mashable]

Awesomeness Featured TV Video Clips

Cheesy “Game of Thrones” Intro is so 1995

With all its parodies, cat doppelgangers, and amazing fan art, the Internet still keeps showing its love for the high fantasy drama that is Game of Thrones. The eagerly-awaited Game of Thrones season 3 premiere was watched by a 4.4 million viewers, beating the previous record of 4.2 million viewers for its season 2 finale. This season is sure to break some other records too. Unsurprisingly, the show has been renewed for an epic fourth season.

If you’ve ever wondered what Game of Thrones might be like if HBO made it in the mid-90s, then wonder now more. YouTube user hunterlsanders created these apt opening credits for the show complete with video tape effects, cheesy character introductions, and a stirring soundtrack by Queen. Check out Game of Thrones – 1995 Style in glorious 4:3 aspect ratio.

[via @snoddie]

Cautionary Tales Music Video Clips

Everyday I’m Drinking

Vodka is the king of the alcohols in Russia with an estimated 1.417 billion litres sold in 2012. Alcohol abuse in Russia is reaching alarming levels, and it is estimated that one in every five male deaths is linked to alcohol. The consumption of beer in on such a rise that Russian government has taken steps to reclassify beer as alcohol, and not food.

Everyday I’m Drinking is a song by Russian band Little Big and tells of the nation’s obsession with alcohol and dire outlook on life. It’s bizarre, disturbing, and depressing given the statistics but it does have rather a catchy tune.

[via MyVideo]

Arty Awesomeness Music Video Clips

Great Emotions: A Thrilling Musical Roller Coaster

This wonderful visualization takes the sheet music from a symphony by German composer Ferdinand Ries and turns it into a thrilling theme park ride.

Keeping in tune with the first violin of symphony No. 2, 4th movement by Ries, the musical roller coaster starts slowly, reaches its zenith, and then plummets into a whirlwind of turns, rises, and dips. Check it out below.

The visualization was created by German animation studio Virtual Republic.

[via @Stephenfry]

Awesomeness Entertainment Sports Video Clips

R/C Plane Waltzes to Classical Music

Precision flying meets classical musical in this wonderful little clip. Dutch R/C plane enthusiast Nando te Riele shows off his skills at the recent competitive event that brings together some of the world’s best model plane pilots. Kitted out with flashing lights, Nando’s plane gracefully flies about the space like it were dancing in tune with the ebb and flow of the music, The Blue Danube by Johann Strauss II.

[via Technabob]