Awesomeness Music TV Video Clips

He-Man: Sexy and I Know it!

He-Man is sex on legs. He knows it, and now you do too. Watch as he shows you the passion in his pants as he dances to LMFAO’s Sexy And I Know It.

Nailed it!

[via Geek Tyrant]

Arty Awesomeness TV

Cute “Game of Thrones” Sigils

Unlike Tom Gateley’s serious set of minimalist posters, French designer Renaud Forestié takes a decidedly different look at the banners of the different houses in Game of Thrones.

See the adorably cute animals that make up Forestié “Game of Thrones” sigils, after the jump.

Entertainment TV Video Clips

Gordon Ramsay on how to Treat a Lady

First it was Nigella Lawson being all tarty in the kitchen, and now it’s the turn of celebrity chef and potty mouth Gordon Ramsay to get the 80gumdrops treatment.

The industrious YouTube user creatively edited clips from one of Ramsay’s cooking shows to make Gordon Talks Dirty, where the chef talks about the intricacies of making love to the ladies. Ramsay provides many tips, including having a go with three fingers, shocker!

[via @Deems]

Arty Awesomeness Featured Science & Technology TV Video Clips

Behold, the Icy Finger of Death!

Cameramen for BBC One’s seven-part nature series Frozen Planet captured an interesting phenomenon in the freezing waters at Little Razorback Island, in Antarctica. Using a rig of time-lapse equipment, the crew filmed what looks like an icy finger of death as it extended from the ice sheet and touched the sear floor, freezing everything around it.

This icicle of death is called a brinicle. Dr Mark Brandon at the Open University explains how such a brinicle is formed:

In winter, the air temperature above the sea ice can be below -20C, whereas the sea water is only about -1.9C. Heat flows from the warmer sea up to the very cold air, forming new ice from the bottom. The salt in this newly formed ice is concentrated and pushed into the brine channels. And because it is very cold and salty, it is denser than the water beneath.

The result is the brine sinks in a descending plume. But as this extremely cold brine leaves the sea ice, it freezes the relatively fresh seawater it comes in contact with. This forms a fragile tube of ice around the descending plume, which grows into what has been called a brinicle.

See a brinicle forming in this little excerpt from the Frozen Planet series.

It is the first time that the crew has managed to film a brinicle forming. You can read more about how they captured the footage on the BBC website.

[via +Paul Scott]

Arty Awesomeness Eating and Drinking Movies TV

Tobias Funke’s “I Just Blue Myself” Ice Cream

Arrested Development was cancelled way before its time. Since the season finale in 2006, fans of the incredibly funny witty TV series have been praying for its return. At the recent New Yorker Festival, audiences broke out into rapturous applause when the series creator Mitch Hurwitz announced that the show (and movie!) would return to TV screens in 2013.

Overcome with happiness, illustrator Jon Defreest decided to pay homage to the show and a very special member of the Bluth family by creating a flavour of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream. Called I Just Blue Myself, the flavour celebrates the questionable sexuality of the family’s analyst and therapist (shortened to analrapist), Tobias Fünke.

Defreest has whipped up more ice cream flavours based on pop culture characters including Dexter, Ron Swanson, and The Dude. Have a look at those after the jump.

Awesomeness Gaming News TV

Hilarious “Game of Thrones” RPG

You may have heard the chiptune remix of the Game of Thrones opening theme and wondered what the game would be like. College Humor takes a stab at it.

Complete with elements from typical dungeon crawlers, this hilarious animation tells the happenings in season/book one of the excellent Game of Thrones, as if it were a 16-bit role-playing game. Be warned, there is some foul language, sexual content, and plot spoilers if you have neither seen nor read about the seven kingdoms.

[via +Anja van Staden]

Awesomeness Entertainment Featured Science & Technology TV Video Clips

Inside The Milky Way

It’s a city of stars above our heads. The Milky Way is a galaxy that stretches a staggering 600,000 trillion miles from one end to the other. And in this National Geographic TV special, we are taken on a journey through the tumultuous moments in the history of the Milky Way, from the birth of this beautiful spiral galaxy all the way to its eventual death.

One of the images used in the documentary is the 800-million-pixel panorama of the Milky Way created by the Gigagalaxy Zoom project. As grand as the image is, it’s a side-on view of the galaxy that we see and astronomers use all manner of high-tech computer tools to work out what it would like if it were viewed from a bird’s-eye view. Watch part one of Inside the Milky Way below.

Find the other parts after the jump, or you could just buy the blu-ray.

Arty Awesomeness Entertainment Featured TV

Dexter Meets Saul Bass

Illustrator Ty Mattson channels Saul Bass in his alternate openining credits to the smashing Showtime series, Dexter. Mattson had initially created a set of minimalist posters, one for each season of the show, highlighting the pivotal moments from each episode. Showtime was thoroughly impressed with his works and subsequently interviewed Mattson for a bonus feature in the season 5 DVD boxset.

Mattson then turned his focus to making the title sequence. With the help of friends from Fashion Buddha, he used his existing poster artwork to create the opening credits to Dexter as if the show was aired in the 1960s.

Have a look at Mattson’s alternate, animated Dexter intro below.

And have a gander at his fantastic poster designs after the jump.

Arty Awesomeness Featured TV

Minimalist Game of Thrones House Sigils

From the boost in book sales to a highly successful TV series to all love and adoration from the Internet, there is certainly a lot of banter about Game of Thrones. Speaking about banners — OK, you got me, I said banter but what’s a little letter substitution amongst friends? — designer Tom Gateley shows appreciation for the series by creating a beautiful set of minimalist posters.

After watching the TV series, Gateley says he became slightly obsessed with the identity the houses and set about creating vector posters of each house sigil. He hopes we like them as much as he does. Have a look at his minimalist Game of Thrones posters after the jump.

Arty Awesomeness Entertainment Featured Music TV Video Clips

Epic “Game of Thrones” Cover Mashup

Fans of HBO’s Game of Thrones will have to wait until April 2012 to return to the Seven Kingdoms. To stave off the withdrawal symptoms, several people have taken to making creative covers of the series’ opening theme song composed by Ramin Djawadi.

You may remember Roger Lima as he banged out a rock cover on his guitars and drum kit. You may also recall Jason Yang, who used an acoustic and electric violin, and layered the 13 different tracks to create the most delightful cover I’ve heard. These two versions are wonderful on their own but in his mashup, Youtube user paolody wanted to find out what it would sound like if Lima and Yang collaborated on a truly epic Game of Thrones cover. Are the results doubly awesome? Find out below.

Hit the jump to see the individual video that went into this mashup.