Site Announcements

Responsible borrowing with FNB

As much as I don’t like talking about it, the role of money in our society is monumentally important. It drives everything and as Liza Minnelli and Michael York famously sung in the (1972) film Cabaret, the clinking, clanking sound of money can make the world go round.

Life is hard. You know it, I know it. Sometimes we need a little help with our money, whether it be for a fanciful thing that we impulsively want or a long term family plan, or anything in between. If you want a thing but don’t necessarily have the money for that thing, you’re going to have to borrow that money.

There are multiple banks available to lend you money, and today I’d like to talk to you about one of those banks that I have a personal experience with — FNB. Full disclosure, this is a paid for promotion, however that doesn’t affect the opinions expressed here.

Before we delve into that, let me take a moment remind you that all of the features discussed below are available from FNB’s fantastic mobile App that is available on both iOS and Android. I use it for practically everything, and accessing the variety of features via the App is by far and away the most convenient approach.

One of FNB’s tenets is relevant and responsible borrowing solutions and their message of “The future of help is to help people, help themselves” can be seen in the different options available to their customers. Let’s take a look at them, shall we?

Site Announcements

Importing With Aramex Global Shopper

Aramex Global Shopper (henceforth referred to as AGS) is a shipping service that enables you to buy items from online websites that don’t (or won’t) ship to a specific country, South Africa, for example. By signing up to AGS, you have access to 14 physical forwarding locations spread between New York, USA and Shanghai, China. When you buy any item from an online retailer, you simply have the item sent to the nearest AGS location, and when the item reaches that location, it is forwarded to the AGS facility in your country (Johannesburg in our case), and then delivered straight to your door. Well that’s the theory. Conveniently, it’s how the service works in practice too.

In October of last year, mystery gift box service Loot Crate started shipping to South Africa , and we rejoiced. We have come to expect that packages from the USA usually take some weeks to get here using the normal shipping channels, but there’s always the dread that the parcel will get lost in transit, or worse: get stuck in the black hole that is South African customs. This is what happened to a local whose Loot Crate packages took so long to be delivered that he cancelled his subscription.

So that got me thinking: could AGS guarantee a safe, reliable, convenient way to get one’s Loot Crate to South Africa? I decided to test this by ordering February’s Loot Crate (the 1 month plan) and getting AGS to ship it to me. For science, I kept track of the shipment.

On February 22nd, Loot Crate shipped the parcel from Los Angeles and it arrived at my selected AGS forwarding location, New York, on February 27th. AGS promptly notified me of my parcel’s arrival. It was put on a scale and shipping charges to South Africa were calculated based on the parcel weight. These details were clearly visible on my AGS online profile. Oddly and out of place, at the bottom of the page, there was a link to a randomly-numbered JPG file. That, as it turns out, is actually the photo of my parcel as it was captured at the AGS operations facility.

Aramex Global Shopper profile

I had an option to pay for the shipping at the time, or wait until the parcel arrived at the AGS Joburg facility. I opted to wait. The parcel got shipped regardless. On March 2nd, I was contacted by AGS customer support asking for a commercial invoice to have my parcel cleared at customs. AGS does provide the option to upload an invoice, but I had forgotten to do so, my bad. I e-mailed the required documentation to AGS, and *SIX* days later on March 8th, customs released the parcel. On March 10th, I was contacted by AGS customer support requesting payment for the shipping charges and the customs duties. There were NO duties, what luck! Payment was made, and the parcel arrived at my door on the morning of March 11th.

Let’s talk about the costs. I paid R339.16 for Loot Crate (including shipping to New York) and R274.00 for AGS to ship and courier the 0.7 KG parcel to me in Cape Town. There were no customs duties to be paid, so the total was R613.16. Bear in mind that using AGS is obviously more expensive than just having Loot Crate ship the parcel to me, and in this case I paid approximately R150.50 extra to use AGS. Personally, that is a price that I would happily pay for peace of mind in knowing where my parcel is at any time, having the customs process sorted on my behalf, and having it personally couriered to my home.

Aramex Global Shopper

If you’re looking for a reliable shipping service that gives you 14 18 personalised shipping addresses across the world, I would recommend Aramex Global Shopper. You’ll need to register once for a lifetime membership, which costs USD 45.00 (about R690 at the current exchange rate; just be aware that this figure will obviously fluctuate). If you’re interested, here’s a code that will net you the lifetime membership for just USD 10.00 — AGS10OLP (it expires on 31 October 2017).

For more info, check out

Competitions Site Announcements

Announcing “The Splatters” Competition Winners

So many of you entered, and yet we can’t choose all of you, more’s the pity. But we do thank you all for your support! If you entered Tuesday’s The Splatters competition let’s see if Lady Luck has blessed you with with her loving gaze of luckiness, shall we? And our winners, as chosen by are:

Jason, Ryno, Vince Estrada, and Abdul Quayum Parker!

Congratulations! Keep an eye on your mailboxes, dear winners, because The Lord Of All That Is Prawny will be in contact with your prizes!

Thanks go once again to the wonderful people at Spiky Snail for sponsoring the prizes!

Competitions Site Announcements

The Winners of Our CS:GO Giveaway Are…

We’ve received many brave soldiers volunteers. We thank you for the sacrifice you are about to make. But, sadly, only three brave souls will be going on the mission. The has spoken, and our victims winners are:

Wayne Bossenger

Ruann Swart

Chris Rojo

Congratulations! Your commanding officer will be in touch shortly to issue you with your weapons, cyanide pills, and mission dossiers. Thanks go, once again, to MWEB GameZone for the prizes! Hooah!

Competitions Site Announcements

Giveaway: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Beta Keys

NOTE: This competition has ended.

Gentlemen. We have a very important mission for you to today. We want only the best of the best of the best. Sir. With honours. See, we need you to drop into the warzone, defeat the enemy, and get out again. I’m not going to lie: some of you might not make it out alive. But then that’s what you signed up for, soldier! To die with honour! Hooah!

To prepare you for the challenge, we’ve got three Steam Beta keys for the PC version of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive for the three hardiest soldiers who are able to leave their names below and click “Enlist”.

[Form closed]

You have until midday, Thursday April 26, 2012. Do it soldier! Standard competition rules and regulations apply. Thanks to MWEB GameZone for the keys.

Competitions Site Announcements

The Winner of our Mass Effect Competition is….

What a competition! I’ve not quite seen such a scramble for a prize since…well…since ever. We had millions and squillions and willions of entrants. Maybe even jillions! We had more entrants than there are people on the planet, which leads us to suspect that even alien races were entering. Alas, there can be only one dream! One soul! One prize! One goal! One golden glance of…no, wait. That’s Queen.

So, who is going to soon discover that no matter what scars they bear, whatever uniform they wear, they could fight like a Krogan, run like a leopard, they’ll never be better than Commander Shepard? Find out after the jump.

Competitions Featured Site Announcements

Competition Reminder: Win Mass Effect 1, 2, and 3 on PC!

NOTE: This competition has ended.

This is just a quick reminder of the competition that we’re currently running. Thanks to the kind folks at EA South Africa, we’re giving away Mass Effect 1, 2, and 3 for the personal computer! And winning what people are calling the Stars Wars of our generation couldn’t be more simpler than counting 1, 2, 3.

If you have already entered the competition, thank you. We have collected the data in galactic readiness for Monday, April 16th when we shall announce the winner. Not that it has any bearing on the final result, but here are top five alien races as chosen by the entrants thus far.

If you want to get in on the action, all you have to do is answer a simple question in the form below, and then fill in your contact details.

QUESTION: Name one alien race from the Mass Effect universe.

[Form closed]

The usual terms and conditions apply and the competition ends at midnight, Sunday April 15th, and we’ll announce the lucky winner on Monday the 16th. Good luck!

Competitions Featured Site Announcements

Competition: We’re Giving Away the Mass Effect Trilogy!

NOTE: This competition has ended.

Good news, everyone! Thanks to the wonderful folk at EA South Africa, we have the ENTIRE Mass Effect trilogy on PC to give away to one very, very lucky winner. If you’ve wondered what the brouhaha was all about, now’s your chance to play the entire trilogy from start to finish, and enjoy the adventures of Commander Shepard. You know you want to win, and we want you to win…it’s a win win situation!

“I want it! I want it!” I hear you clamoring. Patience, my prawnlings. There’s always a little quid pro quo. All you have to do is answer one very, very simple question for us in the form below, and then fill in your contact details.

QUESTION: Name one alien race from the Mass Effect universe.

[Form closed]

“That’s ALL I have to do?” you say. Yep! That’s it! It could only be simpler if you had to pour water from a boot. Assuming you have boots, of course. Naturally, there are the usual terms and conditions that apply, including the fact that it’s one entry per person.

The competition ends on Midnight, Sunday 15th April, and we’ll announce the lucky, lucky winner on Monday the 16th.

So what are you waiting for? Get to it! Good luck! We’re all counting on you!

Competitions Site Announcements

Resident Evil Revelations Giveaway: We Have a Winner!

Thank you for all the awesome entries in our Resident Evil: Revelations giveaway competition! We saw some very creepy stories indeed (read them here), and it seems that the score is pretty much tied between Resident Evil and Silent Hill being the creepier game (with a couple of chimes in for Dead Space, and one…ahem…interesting call for Hannah Montana: the Movie: The Game. Seriously…why would you voluntarily play that?)

To be completely fair to the people who didn’t enter a scary story, we’ve assigned every valid entry a number, and the assigned every entry with a story with a second number (bonus chance! Yay!) and our winner is…

Competitions Site Announcements

Competition Time! Win Resident Evil Revelations for 3DS!


I know how everyone loves free stuff, and this time around, courtesy of the wonderful people at Nintendo (thank you PrincessPeachZA!), we have a copy of Resident Evil Revelations for 3DS to give away. “How do I enter?” I hear you clamouring. Good thing you asked, because I was about to tell you! All you have to do is answer the following question in the comments section below:

What is your favourite horror video game?

Yep! It’s that easy! Since it’s coming up Valentine’s Day however, we’re going to be extra nice, and give you a chance at a second entry! You’re going to have to do a liiiiittle bit of extra work for the second entry, however.

All we need from you is for you to tell us the scariest thing that happened to you. Or failing that, you scariest story. Good luck! We’re all counting on you!

The competition ends in a week, on February the 8th. Terms and conditions apply.