Arty Awesomeness Featured Photoworthy Video Clips

Fleeting Light: Striking Geminid Meteor Shower Time-Lapse

Los Angeles-based photographer and film maker, Henry Jun Wah Lee camped out for three days in the Joshua Tree National Park in southeastern California, and during this visit in December 2010, the photographer witnessed a spectacular thing — the Geminid meteor shower. The meteors in the shower originate from the constellation Gemini and scientists have noted that the numbers seem to be increasing with each year, with sightings of 120 to 160 meteors per hour!

Not all of the light streaks captured in Wah Lee’s time-lapse video are meteors. They tend to appear in one or two frames, the trails that last longer than a few frames are slower moving aircraft. Wah Lee titled his most amazing video, Fleeting Light: The High Desert and the Geminid Meteor Shower, because as spectacular as shower may have been at the time, it is long gone now.

[via The Huffington Post]

Arty Photoworthy

Google Street View Cinemascapes by Aaron Hobson

If you didn’t know any better, you’d think photographer Aaron Hobson is an extremely well-travelled individual. A look at his gallery shows some very picturesque photos from Spain, France, Scotland, Brazil, Mexico, and South Africa. These images aren’t his. Hobson is the curator of Cinemascapes GSV, a collection of photos that were actually taken by the cameras atop the “aesthetically-neutered” Google Street View vehicles as plod their way through the world.

Have a look at some of the artistic photos taken by the Google Street View cars after the jump.

Arty Photoworthy

Long Exposure Air Traffic Photos by Terence Chang

Navigation lights on aeroplanes are used to signal the craft’s location and heading. They are the primary focus in Terence Chang’s wonderful long exposure photos. During a period from July 2008 and April 2010, Chang went to San Francisco International Airport (SFO) to photograph air traffic. What looks like handmade light paintings are the trails made by the navigation lights on the aeroplanes as they took off and landed from the airport. See a few of Chang’s long exposure shots after the jump.

Arty Awesomeness Featured Photoworthy

High Speed Splash Photography by Heinz Maier

We’ve seen some fantastic examples of high speed photography, from beautiful water sculptures to coffee frozen in time, to explosive impacts.

In the spotlight today is German resident, Heinz Maier. The photographer who only started taking photos at the end of 2010 has developed a fondness for macro photography. Using food colouring, guargum and a selection of high speed photo equipment, Maier experiments with water droplets to produce some incredibly beautiful, colourful, and sometimes symmetrical splashes. Have a look at some of them after the jump.

Animal Kingdom Arty Awesomeness Featured Photoworthy

Animal Eyes, Up Close

You may recall Your Beautiful Eyes, a series by Armenian photographer Suren Manvelyan that took a closer look at the human eye. He carries on with this theme in his latest set of photos, this time his subject range includes fish cats, horses, and crocodiles. Have a look at this amazing macro shots of animal eyes after the jump.

Arty Awesomeness Photoworthy

Beautiful Exploded Flowers

In his latest series of photographs, Singaporean artist Fong Qi Wei disassembles different flowers and lays them bare on a canvas. By doing this, Wei shows not only the individual floral components but also natural symmetry of flowers.

Have a look at some of the roses, lilies, dahlias, and hydrangeas from his Exploded Flowers series after the jump.

Arty Awesomeness Featured Photoworthy Science & Technology

In the Shadow of Saturn

You might not believe it, but this is an actual photograph reported to have been taken back in 2006 as the Cassini space probe sheltered in the shadow of Saturn. It was 2.2 million kilometers away from the gas giant when it took the photograph.

Astronomy Photo of the Day explains the image thus:

The robotic Cassini spacecraft now orbiting Saturn drifted in giant planet’s shadow for about 12 hours in 2006 and looked back toward the eclipsed Sun. Cassini saw a view unlike any other.

First, the night side of Saturn is seen to be partly lit by light reflected from its own majestic ring system. Next, the rings themselves appear dark when silhouetted against Saturn, but quite bright when viewed away from Saturn, slightly scattering sunlight, in this exaggerated color image.

Hit the jump to see the full image.

Arty Photoworthy

Time-Lapse in the Eyre Salt Flats

Lake Eyre in South Australia is 15 metres below sea level and is the lowest point in the country. Between the years of 2003 and 2010, photographer Murray Fredericks has visited the salt pan at Lake Eyre to camp and to take photos of the stark, featureless landscape. Have a look at some of his breathtaking photos and time-lapse video that he shot on location.

Animal Kingdom Arty Awesomeness Featured Photoworthy

Incredible Macro Photography by Igor Siwanowicz

If you have a penchant for macro photography like I do, you’re sure to love the exceptional talents of Igor Siwanowicz. There isn’t much information about the photographer so his photos will have to do the talking. The subjects in front of Siwanowicz’s lenses include all manner of amphibians, insects, and reptiles. He captures the everso cute expressions on the faces of the chameleons and the Kung Fu poses that praying mantises are fond of.

Have a look at some of his stunning macro photos after the jump.

Arty Eating and Drinking Featured Photoworthy

Booze is Beautiful Under the Microscope

American writer F. Scott Fitzgerald once said, “Here’s to alcohol, the rose colored glasses of life.” While you may be aware that alcohol can bring out the beauty of a great many things, you may be surprised to know that there is an inner beauty to it. American firm Bevshots from Tallahassee, Florida creates wonderfully psychedelic artworks by placing a variety of alcoholic beverages under the microscope.

To create their images, a drop of the drink — be it a beer, a Bloody Mary, coffee liqueur, Zinfandel, or just straight whiskey — is placed on a slide in an airtight container and dried for up to four weeks. The residue is then viewed under a laboratory microscope and magnified up to a 1,000 times. The resulting micrographs show the crystallised carbohydrates that have turned to sugars and glucose. Each drink seems to have a wonderfully unique and colourful structure to it. Have a look at some of these alcoholic works of art after the jump.