Entertainment Mindlessness Movie Reviews

The Day The Brain Stood Still

If the likes of Roger Ebert and the stoutly Barry Ronge can review movies, I don’t think it’s a far stretch for me to try my hand at it.

So, with brevity in mind, and a not-so-solid grasp of the English language, behold my movie review!

The Day the Earth Stood Still

What it should have been called: The Day The Brain Stood Still

The plot: We puny humans are horrible caretakers and as a result global warming is killing the Earth. Some alien elders are not pleased about this, and send a spaceship to Earth, bearing an emissary Klaatu and his large robot, GORT.

Klaatu has come to assess whether humanity can reverse the environmental damage we’ve done to the planet. His mind gets practically made up when he gets shot by the military and detained. Using cunning alien trickery he escapes and decides that the humans need to be destroyed to save the earth.

It is now up to astrobiologist Helen Benson (Jennifer Connelly), her obnoxious step-son Jacob (Jaden Smith), and altruism expert Professor Barnhardt (a cameo by John Cleese) to try dissuade him. It doesn’t take a brain scientist to guess the outcome.

Arty Hints & Tips Mindlessness

The Ominous Death of Mr. Peanut

More image bookmarking awesomeness at FFFFOUND!

Entertainment Hints & Tips Mindlessness

Sweetcron – It’s a Lifestream Baby

For those who might now know, a Lifesteam is an aggregated view of your life activities both online and offline which you can share across the social web with your web site’s visitors. When you hang out with your friends in the real world, you talk about all sorts of things like the music you’re listening to, the movies you’ve watched, the games you’ve played, the books you’ve attempted to read. Lifestreaming lets you create the stuff you’ve talked about in digital form.

Sweetcron, designed by Yongfook, a freelance web producer based in Tokyo, gives you the tools to create your Lifestream, with automatic imports of you flickr photos and bookmarks; it had customizable themes, can be self-hosted, and is 100% open source.

Check out or locally-produced to see what Sweetcron looks like.

Sweetcron is in public beta. You can find the install files HERE; a Wiki with instructions to get you started can be found HERE.

Cartoons & Comics Mindlessness


The GenderAnalyzer uses Artificial Intelligence to automagically determine if a homepage is written by a man or woman.

Simply go to, type in theĀ  URL of the web site and click Analyze.

The onelargeprawn blog got analyzed and found to be written by a man (86%). The GenderAnalyzer is 86% positive that I’m a man. Not that I had any doubts about my gender (heck, Chuck Norris calls me for sex tips) but I’m going to takeĀ  that as one’s percentage of manliness. Once I learn how to fish, I’ll most certainly be 90% man! ;)

Arty Mindlessness

Carbon Copies – Pencils Made From the Dead

I’ve been thinking. Shocking I know but it tends to happen at times. When I die, is there some useful purpose my remains could service, aside from providing a gravestone for dogs to piss on?

Enter English product designer Nadine Jarvis and her novel idea for disposing of my dead body – making pencils out of my ashes. Using the cremated remains, or Cremains, it estimated that one adult dead body can produce 240 pencils. Now that’s value for ashes.

Javis says:

Each pencil is foil stamped with the name of the person. Only one pencil can be removed at a time, it is then sharpened back into the box causing the sharpenings to occupy the space of the used pencils. Over time the pencil box fills with sharpenings – a new ash, transforming it into an urn. The window acts as a timeline, showing you the amount of pencils left as time goes by.

There you have it. Get turned into pencils and donate them to your local library or pre-school ;)

Read more about corpse pencils at Jarvis’ web site.

Cartoons & Comics Mindlessness

My Brown Pants!

Cartoons & Comics Mindlessness Useful/Useless Info

Should You Forward That Mail?

Cautionary Tales Lists Mindlessness

Mug Shots Of The Year

The discerning writers (all three of them) at The Smoking Gun selected 20 booking photos selected from among the tens of thousands to bring you the 2008 Mug Shots of the Year.

Joker Busted


July 28 – Spencer Taylor (20), from Michigan was arrested for allegedly trying to steal Batman posters and other collectibles from a theater showing “The Dark Knight.” The cops made him pose for booking photos in and out of character.

Police Seek Morin (not Moron)


January 2 – Robert Morin (39) was being sought on a warrant for domestic assault. The above mug shot was taken on a previous arrest – Morin had become quite flexible after having removed his teeth.

Mug Shot Metamorphosis


December 4 – Michael Campbell (33) from Colorado has been in and out of jail between 2003 and 2008 and seems to have spent his time getting inked. The first set of photos show Campbell following a 2003 theft arrest; the second set shows Campbell booked six weeks ago. That polka dot bow tie is quite handsome.

See more mug shots at The Smoking Gun – via Blame it on the Voices.


I Like Hores

This 3-grader likes hores.


Cartoons & Comics Mindlessness

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IQ - Savage Chickens

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