Hints & Tips Video Clips

Chinese Multiplication

An interesting method for solving multiplication math problems. Good for impressing little children or friends without calculators.

Click play to view the method or go to Youtube.

via J-Walk Blog.

Awesomeness Hints & Tips Photoworthy

Changing Your View With Tilt-shift Photography

Tilt-shift photography is a technique where you manipulate a camera so that a photo of a life-sized location or subject looks like a miniature-scale model. By shooting the locations from a high angle, it will  create the illusion of looking down at a scale model. The example of Nice, France below by Flickr user therealjasonruff shows the technique off well.

There are a few ways for you to create tilt-shift photos:

The Traditional, Possibly Expensive Method

This method involves obtaining a decent camera, a tilt-shift lens, and reading up on the details  HERE, HERE, and HERE. Not recommended for people with ADD or those feeling monetary problems.

The “Keeping it Real Fake” Method

This method involves using a graphics editor like Photoshop or GIMP to alter the focus of the photograph to simulate a shallow depth of field that would normally be encountered when using macro lenses. This will make the scene seem much smaller than it really is. By increasing the color saturation and contrast, you can simulate the bright paint often found on scale models.

To make your own tilt-shift photographs with Photoshop click HERE for a tutorial.

The Easy as Pie” Method

TiltShiftMaker is an online site that does all the hard work for you in 3 simple steps. Upload your standard photo (jpeg format, 4MB limit), select the focus size, and get the tilt-shift equivalent.

Use TiltShiftMaker HERE and check out the Flickr TiltShiftMaker pool HERE.

Cautionary Tales Hints & Tips Weirdness

Light my fire


Oh I love these kind of stories. As teenagers, my sister and I used to take great delight in combing magazines and newspapers (this was long before the interweb) for grotesque Agony Aunt columns and weird stories of sexual misadventure, revenge or jealousy that ended in disaster. You know the ones that go something like “woman bites off lover’s tongue in passionate embrace”, or “Dear Aunt Rhoda my girlfriend says she can’t love me anymore because I have genital warts”, that sort of thing. The whole Bobbitt episode kept us laughing for months. Well I’m not sure if I exactly love this particular story because someone actually dies, however it is morbidly fascinating nonetheless.

An Australian woman has been arrested and is going to be charged with murder after she doused her sleeping husband’s penis with something like metholated spirits and set it on fire. The unfortunate man allegedly woke up and knocked the bottle of meths over which helped the fire to spread rapidly from his privates to engulf the couple’s entire residence. As you may have guessed, Mr Crispy was cheating on his wife, and unluckily for him she found out and sought her fiery revenge. The fire starter has issued a statement saying that it was not her intention to kill her husband, all she wanted to do was claim his penis as hers only and forever by horribly disfiguring it!

This burning issue courtesy of the Daily Express.

Hints & Tips Science & Technology

Stressed and traumatised?

Experiencing post traumatic stress? Get yourself in front of a computer and indulge in the universally played and consistently mind numbing game Tetris.


Researchers in the UK are suggesting that playing Tetris may help in the treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Dr Emily Holmes of Oxford University says that she “wanted to find a way to dampen down flashbacks – the raw sensory images of trauma that are over-represented in the memories of those with PTSD”. According to Dr Holmes, playing Tetris effectively prevents flashbacks and thus helps heal posttraumatic stress – other scientists are unconvinced. More on this from the  BBC.

Hints & Tips Mindlessness

Drunk Dancing Guide

I can dance pretty well for a brown man, but when I’m drunk severe lack of judgment leads me to think I’m Tony Manero from Saturday Night Fever. I’ve fallen from tables, bottle have been shattered under my feet, and left the ladies utterly horrified impressed. The next morning was met with pains in my legs, back, and sometimes my manhood.

Suffice to say, in order to minimize any collateral damage that may result from your drunken dancing, the good people at Slosh Spot have put together a brief guide with some of the most common maneuvers, how to use them, and when to use them.

The Worm

Instructions: Lay on stomach. Flail legs up and down, while moving your torso forward with your hands. This resembles a worm trying to move forward.

The worm takes more commitment than any other regulation dance out there. It also requires the performer to lie down on the dance floor. This shows a dedication to one’s craft, but also may end up completely ruining one’s clothes. Please use this maneuver with discretion, and watch for any broken glass. If you are able to do this dance well, there’s a good chance that after you’re done a crowd of your peers will raise you above their shoulders and declare you the best dancer in the club.

Milking the Cow

Instructions: Raise and extend arms at shoulder level, then put your hands up to create a 90-degree at your elbows. Rhythmically pantomime the milking of a cow above your head. Get into the beat with your legs, and don’t be afraid to bob your head and accentuate with your shoulders to get this all to make sense.

A general rule of thumb is that no heterosexual man should ever dance with both his hands above his head, but this dance is currently the only known exception. Think of this dance as a last resort, because there is virtually no sex appeal. You may get some people laugh at what you are doing, or maybe even solicit some positive attention due to the fact that you simply do not give a fuck.

See more of the guide to dancing under the influence at Slosh Spot.

Arty Hints & Tips Mindlessness

The Ominous Death of Mr. Peanut

More image bookmarking awesomeness at FFFFOUND!

Entertainment Hints & Tips Mindlessness

Sweetcron – It’s a Lifestream Baby

For those who might now know, a Lifesteam is an aggregated view of your life activities both online and offline which you can share across the social web with your web site’s visitors. When you hang out with your friends in the real world, you talk about all sorts of things like the music you’re listening to, the movies you’ve watched, the games you’ve played, the books you’ve attempted to read. Lifestreaming lets you create the stuff you’ve talked about in digital form.

Sweetcron, designed by Yongfook, a freelance web producer based in Tokyo, gives you the tools to create your Lifestream, with automatic imports of you flickr photos and bookmarks; it had customizable themes, can be self-hosted, and is 100% open source.

Check out or locally-produced to see what Sweetcron looks like.

Sweetcron is in public beta. You can find the install files HERE; a Wiki with instructions to get you started can be found HERE.

Hints & Tips Useful/Useless Info

Leave the Toilet Seat Up

crying childI’ve been trained to leave the toilet seat down, but I now questioning this decision, for good reason I think.

Livescience reports that some British doctors are advising that toilets seats should be left up as heavy wooden and ornamental toilet seat could fall down onto the penises of unsuspecting toddlers.

Doctors who have treated such “penis-crush” injuries offer the following tips:

  • Use toilet seats that fall slowly and with reduced momentum.
  • Heavier toilet seats could be banned in houses with male infants.
  • Households with male infants should consider leaving the toilet seat up after use.
  • Toddlers should be educated to hold the toilet seat up with one hand while urinating.

So there you have it. The first public service announcement from the onelargeprawn blog. Keep those toddler penises safe from harm this festive period ;)