Flash Games

Draw My Thing!

Draw My Thing is like a massive online version of Pictionary. When it’s your turn, you have a short amount of time to draw an image based on a pre-selected word for the other players to identify. And when someone else is drawing you’ll get a chance to guess their word. You’ll be awarded 1 point if someone correctly guesses what you’ve drawn and 2 points if you guess someone else’s word correctly. The player with the most points at the end of the game wins.

Give it a bash at OMGPOP. I can’t access this at work – it seems my salary-paying overlords take none too kindly to this form of time wasting. Let us know if you can connect to any games and if it’s any fun.

Flash Games

Mid-Week Time Waster: RotatSpin

The Evil Crab Lord has stolen your hat and you must get it back from the thieving bastard. This is the plot behind the endearing, frustrating, confusing, and compelling skill game RotatSpin.

You need to get your pixelated man to the end of each level pressing forward to run faster or backwards to slow down and hitting the spacebar to jump. You’ll explode if you hit any obstacles and touching the spinning things rotates the camera randomly. From the precision-timed jumps to the mind-hurting angles, you’ll need quick reflexes and some lateral thinking to get through the levels. You have an unlimited amount of lives and you’ll certainly need them.

I haven’t sworn this much since the time I lip-synced to Slim Shady records back in the day. I got to level 22 and called it quits, fucking thing. Drop us a comment and let us know how you got along.

Play RotatSpin at Armor Games. [via Indie Games]

Flash Games

Play Shaper

Here’s a cool little time waster to get this short week off to a unproductive start. In Shaper, you need to connect various oddly shaped objects together to build a chain from the start dot to the finish dot and avoid any obstacles in your way.

Use the mouse to drag and drop the objects and the left and right arrow keys to rotate them. There are 25 levels.

Play Shaper at Armor Games. If the game fails to load, try Game Gum.

Flash Games

Flash Game Friday: Neon Disks

I’ll soon be jumping to my death taking the most awesome flight of fancy off Lion’s Head.I forgot my security blanket (a tub of lavender gel) at home so I’m a little on edge. It’s pretty difficult to think about much else, so here’s a quick submission for Flash Game Friday.

Created by alphabetgamer, Neon Disks is a physics-based skill game where you need to light up all the disks in a level by firing balls at them. You have a limited amount of balls that can be fired, so use them efficiently. At the end of each level, you can select a helpful upgrade to use.

Play Neon Disks at Kongregate.

Flash Games

Mid-week Time Waster: Collider

Collider is a new physics based game by Dan Russell-Pinson, where you need to remove all charged particles from level. You do this by crashing positively charged particles into negatively charged ones, and vice versa.

You start each level with a few particles in your pocket – place these using the mouse, click Play, and let gravity do the rest. Click Rewind if you’ve made a mistake. There are 25 levels with some great, spacey music.

Get particle-smashing with Collider at Kongregate.

Featured Flash Games

MyBrute: Fight Me!

Fellow gamer Aftershock9 turned me onto this little gem. MyBrute is a super-cool Flash game that takes up 5 minutes of your day. The way it works is you create a character and fight another person’s character in an arena. You can’t control what your fighter does, their actions are random, and if you happen to choose one with a weapon, they’ll use it to their advantage. So sit back and watch as the fight unfolds.

When you create your fighter, you are allowed 6 initial fights, after which there seems to be a 3-fight cap per day. You can join a clan and if you’ve reached level 10,  you can create your own clan.

You can also challenge friends by typing their name in the arena or visiting their fighter’s profile. You can duke it out with my scrappy fighter at

Flash Games

Work Avoidance Monday: Play Civiballs

Monday is a terrible way to end a perfectly good weekend. I’m always in a funk; it has something do with work avoidance as my extremely-overpaid therapist tells me. She licks her own ass, her breath smells of stanky fish, and she spends most of the day sleeping, so I hardly think she’s an expert in the field of psychotherapy. But she does look very cute, and is always eager to sit on my lap and knead my crotch region for hours on end. Which brings me to our timewaster for today, Civiballs.

In this puzzler that takes place in Greece, Egypt and China, you need to get your multicoloured balls into the similarly-coloured receptacles. Use your knife to cut the chains and release the balls. Play Civiballs at Kongregate.

Flash Games

Flash Game Friday: Space Mutants from SPACE!

In Space Mutants from SPACE!, those pesky invaders from the nether regions of space are back to destroy the earth. Commandeer a tank and push back the mutant hordes.

Use the arrow keys to move and Spacebar to fire at the blighters. Use the money earned at the end of each wave to upgrade your tank.

Play Space Mutants FROM SPACE! at Kongregate.

Flash Games

Play GlueFO2

Another time waster delivered just in time for your lunch break. In GlueFO2, it seems that a manufacturer of intergalactic spaceships has fallen prey to the economic crisis and could not afford to fit conventional weaponry on your GluVex 3000. However, you do have a force field generator that you can use to pick up small red orbs and shoot them at the bigger , unfriendly orbs. You complete the level when the big orbs have been smashed into tiny orbs.

Use the mouse to control your GluVex 3000, and left-click will fling the orbs from your vehicle.

Play GlueFO2 at Kongregate.

Flash Games

Monday Morning Time Waster: Open Doors

Open Doors is a great game created by Kongregate user soapaintnice. The concept is deceptive simple: move your square box from its starting point through some doors to the destination marked by the X. Moving past a door’s pivot will open it, but some doors don’t necessarily open the way you’d expect them to.

The original Open Doors was published in 2008, and #2 was released just the other day.

Play the Open Doors | Play Open Doors 2.