Featured Flash Games


Created in 5 days by indie game developer Atomic Adam for the Experimental Gameplay Project, Canabalt is a fantastic running and jumping side scroller that uses a mere 6 colours to display everything. You play a well-dressed man who can’t stop running, leaping from one building to another, avoiding robots, spaceships, and other obstacles as you race along. Your mission – survive for as long as you can.

The levels are randomly generated and get faster as you progress. The music complements the gameplay and was created by composer Danny B.

It’s top-notch, addictive, and only requires the use of one button. Play Canabalt at I lasted 2088 metres before hitting a fokken wall. Let us know how you fared.

[via The Awesomer]

BONUS: If you have a widescreen monitor, try the MEGA HUGE VERSION.

Flash Games

Play This: Civiballs 2

Oh goodie goodie, another chance to play with your balls. Similar to the last effort, Civiballs 2 takes you to Roman-, Viking- and Inca-inspired levels where you need to get your multicoloured balls into the similarly-coloured amphorae. Use your knife to cut the chains and release the balls.

Play Civiballs 2 at

[via Buzzfeed]

Featured Flash Games

Are You A Digital Genius? Let’s Find Out!

The title says it all. In a new viral game from Hewlett Packard, Digital Genius asks you to complete a series of brain teasers to gauge your digital intelligence. At the end, you can compare your score to that of real members of Mensa who have also played the game.

It’s 15 minutes long and that’s 14 minutes more than my ADD-riddled mind can endure.

Play the game after the jump or head to HP Digital Genius. Drop us a comment with your score.

Flash Games

Play This: Paper War

Paper War is a tower defense game that has you smiting enemy intruders with using your manhood, and by manhood, I mean a pencil. At the start, there is one type of tower available to you, but as the game progresses you’ll unlock new ones and more devastating pencil colours.

Play Paper Wars at Kongregate.

[via Zoomdoggle]

Flash Games

Play This: Ninjufo

There’s nothing like a meeting to completely destroy one’s will to live work. It’s an hour I’ll never get back, but thankfully there is plenty of the day left to idly waste ;-)

In Ninjufo, you need to pilot your space craft around a guarded enemy warehouse and with as much stealth as possible, collect 50 crates that contain classified information. Use your shurikens to destroy inattentive enemy ships, but take care not to take too much damage, as some money will be deducted from your haul whenever your ship is destroyed.

Play Ninjufo at Armor Games.

[via Jay is Games]

Flash Games

Play This: Spell My Finger

The weather is tragic here in Cape Town. When it’s cold and wet, the only thing that will cheer me up is playing with a well manicured finger. In Spell My Finger, you pilot a rocket-powered digit on a trippy neon grid, your mission being to pick up scattered letters to spell out words.

Use the arrow keys to steer the finger, and once your word is assembled, hit space to submit it. The longer the words, the better the score.

Get fingering at Adult Swim and let us know what you scored.

[via Buzzfeed]

Flash Games

Panic Stations! It’s The Great Flu Game!

In recent weeks we’ve come into contact with someone who knows someone who knows someone who has the swine flu. And now the pandemic has spread to the digital world. In an effort to raise more awareness, Dutch researchers and Ranj Serious Games have created The Great Flu, a video game where you play as a member for the fictitious World Pandemic Control Agency desperately trying to control the spread of a deadly virus.

“It is actually what is happening now, what is happening in the real world,” said Albert Osterhaus, head of virology at the Erasmus Medical Center, who designed “The Great Flu” game with colleagues.

Watch the intro video below.

Pick a strain (each colour has its own difficulty rating) and jump straight into the game. The display lets you see how many people are infected, keep tabs on your budget, navigate the world map (20 regions), and react to global events and messages. You have variety of tools available to fight an outbreak, but choosing the appropriate course isn’t necessarily the easiest. Your budget is limited too –  I spent my money with reckless abandon, and that had, um, fatal consequences.

Play the simulator at

[via Kotaku]

Flash Games

Play This: Multitask

The aim of this game is to see if you have the skill to play multiple games simultaneously. Got it? I certainly didn’t and lasted a pitiful 58 seconds on my first attempt. I fail at life.

Play Multitask at Kongregate. Drop us a comment with your score.

[via Zoomdoggle]

Flash Games

Play This: Must Pop Words

Created by Bart Bonte, Must Pop Words is a word-themed game where you need to create words from the letter balls that constantly drop onto your playing surface. You get bonus points if you do what the blue penguin-type creature asks of you. If the screen fills up with 50 letters, your game is over.

It’s a simple premise but much harder than it sounds. I seem to lose it when there are too many balls in my face and scored a paltry 2510 points.

Play Must Pop Words at bartbonte. Let us know how much you scored.

[via Neatorama]

Flash Games

Play This: Gravitee 2

Gravitee 2 is about golf. But wait, don’t turn away in digust – it’s in space! There are different challenges that require you to guide your ball through the cosmos collecting items and flying through hoops. The Newtonian physics used in the game means that the planets and stellar objects exert a gravitational pull on your ball – this could aid or hinder you depending on the situation you’re in.

There are 40 levels of interstellar golf with 90 achievements, 3 different medals to earn per level, and 4 different game play types. Play Gravitee 2 at Kongregate.

[via Jay Is Games]